Yeah, accurately simulating a single pyramidal neuron requires an eight-layer deep neural network:
Put in some big T-posts around the border, like 10 ft ones, one on each of the four corners. Once they're pounded in, string up some fairy lights around 9 ft off the ground and then another set around 6 ft off the ground. Assuming you have a ~4 ft fence with chicken wire for squirrels, this light configuration will keep them out--even if you don't keep the lights on overnight, since deer hate jumping into stuff they don't see ahead of time.
With this configuration, our garden has been deer-free in an area that has a ton of them. I see around 20 unique deer literally every day on my property, and I've never seen any of them in my garden, nor have I found any deer-eaten veggies.
I do but I don't know what that means either.
Nick (fine print) learned that by choosing violence, he gets more of the limited resources.
It also seemed to me that a growing number of comments in recent years there on product-relates posts (e.g., what's the best language learning app?) reeked of companies promoting their own products rather (e.g., someone's post history was selectively related to promoting some app after a period of inactivity). I haven't seen things like that here at all, which is nice.
By season 8 she's so convinced she's essentially Mulder. She has times where she's more or less convinced until then, but it's a trajectory towards believing until she does. It just takes her a really long time.
Watch it. You will be so happy that you did.
So close, and yet so concussed
I keep the relevant scheduling and course plan information first, then after the real syllabus, I have tons of pages of that boilerplate text. I make it so that students can open the syllabus, see what they need quickly, and then leave without being bombarded by policies that they frankly don't care about.
Eight of the monkeys are still alive and being tested on, it looks like.
Nintendo looooves to sue people over so many things though
Well, I thought it was a good joke.