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Serious answer? The serenity prayer. Recognize what is in your control and what's not. Accept what you can't change, change what you can.
Canadian single-prayer healthcare doesn't include dental; you need a private policy for that. I never visited the dentist when I lived there, but I presume since it's for profit it's better. Are you in a small town or something? My big city seems to have a surfeit of dentists
My house is big, but also he is asexual so that doesn't pose a problem. When his friends come over, I make myself scarce by retreating into my room. We are blessed to have space to ignore each other when we want.
It's trickier when one's house is small -- back in my younger days I remember having my boyfriend over to my parents' house. Luckily they were very welcoming and didn't try to make it awkward. I do think privacy for sex is a good reason to get a separate place.
It was an acquaintance, but yes. Thing is, if you don't have insurance, your price is usually deeply discounted. A few weeks ago I needed a scan of a vein for a blood clot. My copay was $300 (and who knows how much the total paid by insurance would be), but they said I could just pay cash and not go through insurance and it was only $130. That's part of the problem with our system.
My son is 27 and lives with me. We get along great. I like having him around. There is zero reason for him to pour money down the drain paying rent and utilities in a separate household. Not to mention the ecological impact of doubling the appliances and construction materials and everything else just so we can live apart. If he ever wants to get married it makes sense, but otherwise it seems really foolish the way our society expects us to live isolated from family in our own expensive boxes. I'd like to see the shaming of adults living with family just stop.
Edited to add: I acknowledge many people don't have good families and need to get away. I'm just saying it's silly to feel shame for doing something that is economically and socially beneficial just because society expects it
Wow, that is fantastic!
Sorry to hear that. These things ought not to be in a society as wealthy as ours
I knew a lady with heart palpitations who was told the first appointment (Alberta) would take six months. She went to Idaho and got seen right away by paying cash. They diagnosed her with a condition that needed surgery. Even with the diagnosis, it was going to be another six months to get the surgery in Alberta. So she went back to Idaho and got the surgery right away. It cost a few thousand dollars. So it's just a two-toer system with extra steps at that point
I was in Alberta, and for the most part the care was great. There were a lot of shortages, though, which IMO could be solved by paying doctors and hospitals more. Premiums were waived so it was literally free -- with a small tax I think the problems could be solved. The Canadian system would definitely be easier to fix than the USA's
I'm not one to give advice. My joy is a happy accident of chemistry, I think.