Dazu hatte er auch Fotos von Teilnehmern mit strafbaren Tätowierungen veröffentlicht. Die Eisenacher Polizei hatte ihn deshalb wegen des Verwendens von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger Organisationen angezeigt.
Dazu hatte er auch Fotos von Teilnehmern mit strafbaren Tätowierungen veröffentlicht. Die Eisenacher Polizei hatte ihn deshalb wegen des Verwendens von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger Organisationen angezeigt.
I dont like this game
I wish there was a built in button to submit a rule to be added to a list
I refuse to answer this question without my lawyer present
nah, I just didnt want to feel deliberately excluded (which was a misinterpretation on my part), thats all
thank you for this clarification. that makes me feel much more accepted and welcome here.
I wrote my initial comment because it felt like it deliberately excluded men. I do agree that other gender and sexes should also be able to be moderators of course.
I want to apologize too because I apparently misinterpreted your post a bit. But you have successfully restored my faith in you as the new owner of this community
while I very much agree with beeing inclusive to all genders, only allowing a single gender, women, to be moderators is not very inclusive
I also disagree that a male mod would be at odds with ethical kink. you will have to vet mods, regardless of the gender they say they are. people lie on the internet, frequently (note: this isnt transphobia, but how could you possibly verify that the woman you are speaking to isnt in reality a male identifying cishet?)
eh idk. they probably knew about it. they wanted headlines, not damage, and they got them
some google chrome plugin lol
my work banned it recently because it now requires the cloud
sorry can you expand a bit on the ingrown hair part? It doesnt make sense to me why one race would have issue with that while the rest doesnt