I think they were referring to "man shaped puddle", when the picture is more of a puddle shaped puddle.
This is how tech companies have always run and now that we have... Well yeah.
🫡 did not know this was up anywhere anymore and kind of stopped reading.
No AI summary 😍
Ok, I'm sorry to have upset you.
My angle here is that it's difficult to discuss this topic if there is not irrefutable proof that his actions as carried out were directly violating clearly defined legislation.
If we take the case of reclassifying civil servants, articles I read say that he can do it when "necessary" / "as good administration warrants" which seems like it could leave a lot of wiggle room for him to snake his way out of it. Following that, I don't see news on whether these people have actually been removed from their jobs or if Trump simply proclaimed something which was not acted upon.
The number of low quality rage-bait articles makes finding actual information quite difficult for me at least.
From the tone of your original post, I had thought you might be knowledgeable as to state clearly which laws he had broken, ideally something so clear it would be impossible for a lawyer not to rule against him (barring whatever the presidential immunity exempts him from).
I wish you well though, and no need to respond here if you don't want to.
I see people saying this a lot, but as someone unfamiliar, which orders are actually clearly violating existing law? There is the mass firings example, but when I looked it didn't seem clear which rule was actually broken.
TBH I only log on from time to time nowadays but my general guidelines in no particular order are
- Don't feel too pressured to complete events or grind for limited servants
- Rerolling is an option, I would probably go for Herc if you do, but it's not necessary
- Save for the characters you want even if it takes a while for them to come around, the game is generally not difficult and friend supports can carry you early game
- Don't spend too much money, maybe stick to the guaranteed banners or infrequent SQ if you do decide to open the wallet
- Arts loop supremecy
If you mean most tears, definitely Clannad. Probably others that would be more sad in a depressing kinda way though.
lmao downvoted for giving details on how their social credit score works, when you're not even saying 'china good'.
Collecting archons so I got her but agreed, the play style is not smooth (although my teams are pretty much whoever I feel like). Tried a team with Kachina as my only other natlan chara but it took too much damage. Furina only makes the team die faster as well, so I ended up on Mavuika+Bennet+Rosaria+Diona to get a shield + some melts.
She's super squishy and melt is inconsistent if you button mash on mobile like me. A few times the stars will align and she will hit 400-500k ult initial proc, but it's awkward to use as well since I end up messing up the E (refresh E vs mount/dismount bike).
Her off field is easier to manage but performance wise is very mid, might need C1 to get better uptime and even then it's just for pretty low damage.
Only big plus is the overworld travel speed, its almost 100% uptime (probably is with C1) and really fast. Climbing is "okay", good for short bursts but not tall walls, swimming is okay as well, and the flying is pretty much useless IMO.
Yeah but besides cars and guns let's say, other methods of killing probably require more time and technique making them easier to stop. A truck can be a one button people flattener available to pretty much the entire population (USA)?
lol yeah I was about to say that's completely unfair. I'm level ~43 and never gotten a legendary 4* at all despite 500+ legendary raids.
no non-legendary 4* shiny either.