You don't understand what "National Speed Limit" means. That term refers to 60 (70 on dual carriageways) and is what is indicated by a white circle with a black line through it. What you're talking about is a default for built-up areas, which is very different.
This is not good news. Cramming more cars onto the road means more emissions and more collisions
While there are hungry people, we shouldn't be growing crops just to set fire to them
I always hoped Wolf of Wall Street would have a sequel
I'm a professional researcher and we all use Google Scholar. I've never seen Captchas on there. Are you on Scholar itself, or standard Google?
Very very cheap, if they replace a car (as our cargo bike does)
Genuine question: what value does my telemetry contain to them if I've clicked their link maliciously? Isn't it more likely it helps give them a wrong idea of what people interested in Shell look like?
In large part because we've offshored all our manufacturing there. They're still our emissions, even if they're happening in China. We can't absolve ourselves that easily
Seems only a handful of people showed up. It's almost like 20 mph limits in built up areas aren't really that big a deal. Of course, presumably Braverman will be locking up those few protestors like when XR cause delays in motorways...
You're assuming those accounts are real, and also assuming they're funded externally
Pocket Casts is great - I've used it (on the free tier) for years. If I didn't use this I would jump to Podcast Addict
I'm afraid this isn't the answer. Demanding that people use bad facilities before good ones get built is doomed. As somebody said, you can't demand to see lots of people swimming across a river before you build a bridge.
Perhaps instead point out how people only drive their cars where there are car-driving facilities, and ask why nobody drives across fields or gardens, even though these are more direct routes, until expensive "roads" are installed. Ask why it should be different for bicycles