Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean a distant 2080 target means the fleet won't shift - I just meant it's a sign of political cowardice which doesn't really benefit anyone, not least because, as you say, manufacturers need a stable predictable environment
A target that is more than 2 election cycles away isn't a serious target - it's a way of looking like they're doing something without doing so
Old man here... The first online bubble was probably the bubble of the late 90s, when lots of people first went "This internet thing is amazing and we're all going to make millions!" I remember being one of the first high-profile crashes, but pretty soon a lot of that first wave of internet retail businesses folded, with notable exceptions like Amazon, of course.
Psychology gets unfairly singled out wrt replication but the same issues are found in a lot of other disciplines, such as biomed.
I really didn't like London when I was younger. It felt like my friends got sucked there after university but I couldn't see the appeal - too busy, too expensive. But now I'm older I love the place, especially anywhere near the river. So many great little hidden pubs. So many nice places to walk. Also, pubs
Psions were amazing. I had a Psion 3 in the 90s. That thing fell out of my pocket when I was cycling and a van drove over it - still worked fine. I'd like to see an iPhone manage that
Luckily derailleur hangers are standardized across the industry and so it's easy to pick up a replacement from any bike shop NO WAIT
She's crying because she knows he's about to say "Tibble" and their relationship will be over
Oil extracted near the UK doesn't get used in the UK - it goes to the global market.
All oil goes on the global market. Drilling for it here doesn't mean we use British oil here, and doesn't meaningfully mean the Saudis produce any less. The only way forward is to wean ourselves off being dependent on oil
Well, yes. He works for the oil industry