
joined 2 years ago
[–] bouh 6 points 11 months ago (4 children)

Another thing : my view is not doomerism. I merely stop to fight for the liberals. Chaos bring opportunities. Liberals are doing everything to keep a status that's rottening. They are actively supporting fascism to keep the status quo. I'm not sure if they're blinding themselves into believing that they can keep the fascism away, or if they are actively pushing for it willingly. But it's happening.

I'm not saying that all is lost and there's no hope. I'm saying that helping the liberals today is only helping the fascists tomorrow. Things will get worse. That's not doomerism, that's a hard fact. Something must be done now.

[–] bouh 6 points 11 months ago (22 children)

You don't understand. I did not deluded myself to anything. I abandoned a system that's working against so many people.

The question is not for the left whether to support liberals or fascists. The question is for liberals whether to support socialism or fascism. It's the people in power who get to choose. And liberals are in power for so many decades that they have no excuse for the shit we're in now.

[–] bouh 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

A democracy where you vote against a candidate is a failed democracy.

[–] bouh 13 points 11 months ago (29 children)

You're trying to read too much into this.

When the state doesn't work for enough people anymore, it collapses into fascism. It always does. Unless it collapses to foreign forces of course.

Accelerationism at this point is merely an argument for liberals to convince people who are not fascists to support their liberalism as a lesser danger.

It won't work. Liberalism will have to do something, not the people who don't believe the bullshit anymore. And interestingly, throughout history, liberals always choose fascism over anything else that would remove them some power.

So don't pretend it's up to the leftists to choose. You, the liberals, did this to the world. Time to open your eyes.

Liberalism is responsible for this fascist doom, not the left. That's not only true for the US. That's also true for all of Europe. Liberals vanquished the left. Now is the time to fight fascism. That's what you earned. The left will fight. Will the liberals do it?

[–] bouh 1 points 1 year ago

Intéressante perspective...

[–] bouh 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Au passage, le cléricalisme n'existe pas. On parle de fanatisme ou de théocratie quand c'est un problème, ou de laïcité quand il s'agit de cohabiter.

Ça me fait toujours marrer quand les athés deviennent plus fanatiques que les croyants.

Pour rappel, il laïcité est un concept de tolérance et de respect.

[–] bouh 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Alors vas-y, dis-moi, c'était quand la dernière purge religieuse ? Et c'était quand la dernière purge politique ? Pourtant l'état possède toutes ces informations privées non ? :-)

[–] bouh 3 points 1 year ago

Putin agite l'arme nucléaire depuis le début de l'invasion pour effrayer les occidentaux justement.

Mais ce qu'il faut comprendre, c'est qu'il ne s'arrêtera pas à l'Ukraine.

On est obligé d'agir. Envoyer des militaires pour le moment c'est trop. Mais en parler, ça permet aux russes de se faire à l'idée. Si c'est fait correctement, ça pourrait aider l'Ukraine sans déclencher une guerre nucléaire. Guerre nucléaire qui serait aussi dévastatrice pour la Russie que pour les autres, et ils ne sont pas complètement stupides.

[–] bouh 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Tu fais d'énorme raccourcis ! Une entreprise ne peux pas faire une coutume. C'est un non sens. Une religion, ça n'a rien à voir avec une entreprise. Le conseil d'état comprend cette différence.

[–] bouh 5 points 1 year ago (9 children)

Tiens, l'anticléricalisme !

L'église ne monnaye pas ces informations, et à priori les mesures sont prises pour les protéger. J'ai pas entendu parler de vol de données de baptêmes, alors que les bdd d'entreprise...

Du coup, y a une autre raison que l'anticléricalisme pour se révolter contre ça ?

[–] bouh 64 points 1 year ago

Are you discovering capitalism now?

[–] bouh 4 points 1 year ago

Huh I guess it works in the US where life expectancy is several years lower than in Europe?

My parents still have the 20 to 30 years in front of them. I'll be retired by then...

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