Compare to 3 flame thrower hulks and an ungodly amount of tank, including some gatling tanks. Also, the a drop of 8 rocket devastators.
Quit eating and tell us about it I guess...
I am an engineer. Most developers aren't though, unfortunately.
Everything can be. But for the largest majority of people, eating is normal, eventhough it can seem to have some aspects of an addiction.
And the most important part here is that even if you somehow get addicted to food, you cannot simply stop eating. Because you need to eat for your survival. It's a biological need.
That's the point of the example : showing that something you can't stop doing is not necessarily a bad thing. The details are very important when it comes to addiction.
And video games are unfortunately victim of propaganda when it comes to their dangers.
An addiction is defined by two things : first, it has negative effects on your life. Second, trying to stop it makes you miserable.
Food for example is not an addiction, it's a biological need. The need for socialisation is another one.
Video games can be an addiction. But I'd argue that they're usually not, they usually a coping mechanism. When they are, the problem is elsewhere, and the video games are helping you to survive through the problem.
You see, now you're saving the people from the evil leftist propaganda.