Disney is woke.
I shortened it for you.
Disney is woke.
I shortened it for you.
Sadly, this appears not to be the case. Burnie all the way
Never seen a koala get even slightly agitated getting a cuddle. They seem fine and it creates a huge amount of goodwill and awareness which in turn creates pressure to save habitat.
This petition won't help koalas.
The media teams on here chose poorly with this one...cops aren't exactly popular
Harris is highly disliked. You can't polish her no matter how much the media teams try. Open conference is the way to go.
Bernie aoc ticket all the way
Disney really is just disgracing themselves further with this 😔
Trump would have a blond swimsuit model dammit.
Get your act together Ireland! Do it for trek!
I swear this is the strangest racism I've seen in a while
If only it wasn't a popularity contest
Improvements in tracking, spyware, advertising.... ie general shitification.
It's only faster at gaming....oh wait it's slower at that too