L'article de la déclaration de 1789 est assez clair et c'est bien la priorité privée toute entière qui est un droit "inviolable et sacré". De fait l'expropriation est par exemple strictement encadrée par cette même déclaration et uniquement possible avec une "juste indemnisation", ce qui montre bien que ce droit n'est pas uniquement opposable à la noblesse ou je ne sais qui.
Le gros de ces 3 millions se trouve dans la diagonale du vide. Tous les parisiens en manque d'espace ont pas forcément envie de déménager dans la campagne creusoise.
I think so, but with ads just like the free tier of Spotify.
And then YouTube Premium is just not a good deal in my eyes, £12.99 a month is an awful lot to pay just to not see Ads.
I think this includes YouTube music (at least in my market it does) which makes it fairly good value for money if you already subscribe to a music streaming app.
Être de la gauche modérée ou soc-dem ? Je vois pas en quoi c'est bancal. On peut être de gauche et vouloir soutenir l'Ukraine, penser que le nucléaire est efficace contre le réchauffement climatique ou que le Hamas est pas tout blanc non plus.
Over several decades maybe. Overnight definitely not.
Good luck producing enough food, water and other essentials while suddenly cutting all oil production. The entire world's agriculture relies on oil and gas for fertilizers, machinery, transportation and sometimes cold storage.
the correct solution is still regulating Exxon
But it's not! The correct solution is to kill the demand for oil.
It's not Exxon that burns the oil they extract, it's the entire economy and consumers that buy it from them. You can regulate Exxon all you want, that won't change anything about that demand and the burning.
I fully agree - it is a systemic problem (which is why I'm pointing out just singling out oil companies is misguided).
But I wouldn't go as far as making consumers simple victims of that system: we all also do choices that prioritize selfishness or instant gratification too. The number of pickup trucks in America that are used as one-person commuter is an obvious example - Americans could massively cut their gasoline consumption if they drove the same vehicles Japanese or Europeans chose. (and it's not like those live a life of poverty and sacrifice)
If fentanyl disappeared overnight we would all be better. If oil disappears overnight we are all dead.
You don't solve global warming with simplistic analogies and "oil companies are responsible for everything"
But again that's not Exxon that is subsidizing roads or building cars, or forcing Americans to buy the biggest truck they can find. The issue is more complicated than "whoever pumps the oil out of the ground is liable for whatever happens to it afterwards"
Sans marché secondaire en bourse, pas de marché primaire. Personne ne va souscrire à une IPO si y'a pas moyen de vendre les actions plus tard.