
joined 2 years ago

Been painting a lot of AoS lately and kiiiinda miss doing 40K. This was one of my favorite projects, especially doing up industrial bases.

[–] birdcannon 23 points 1 month ago

The Egyptian word for cat was “mau” so close enough

[–] birdcannon 14 points 2 months ago (1 children)

People going fast and lose the rules of grammar

[–] birdcannon 4 points 2 months ago

The Ubisoft model

[–] birdcannon 5 points 2 months ago

The Infinite and the Divine. Follows two Necrons, but you don’t need to know anything at all about them or 40K beforehand. It’s standalone, but connects with another set of books should you want more. It eases you into the density of the lore, while having the over the top charm we love about 40K.

Having read I don’t know how many warhammer books at this point I disagree with the Eisenhorn starting point. It’s good, but if you’ve read any sci/fi fantasy novel in the last 20 years then you’ve basically read Eisenhorn, but now it has a 40K paint job. Follows humans, which granted are interesting in the universe, but we’ve read enough about humans check out some immortal space robot mummies instead!

[–] birdcannon 1 points 2 months ago

You’d think this would be a career suicide film but it’s aaaaaaalmost okay. At times the creator’s heart is in the right place, but fumbles the bag pretty hard by, you know, making this. It’s possible the script folks read was different enough that they only saw the wholesome parts. That or they were paid a shit ton.

Loqueesha (2019) (
submitted 2 months ago by birdcannon to c/badmovies

After giving advice to a woman struggling with relationship problems, Joe is encouraged to audition for a local radio time slot. Joe hesitates to apply, but auditions in order to afford to send his son to a private gifted school. After getting rejected by the station, he resubmits an audition recording as Loqueesha, a no-nonsense sassy black woman, and becomes a national success.

An incredibly baffling film. It flies right up to the self aware sun but always manages to crash back down to out of touch reality. Highly recommend

[–] birdcannon 1 points 2 months ago

This is an interesting take because I would expect the complete opposite. I find it extremely tedious when AAA games force the player into situations where they have to climb or walk slowly so they can pan the camera to whatever fancy graphical set piece their art team made, and more time doing that then any gameplay. Why not just watch a movie at that point?

When playing a game I want a game. It’d be incredibly frustrating if every time I solved a square in Sudoku I had to then watch an episode of a TV show. Heartening to hear AAA is swinging back the other way and wasting less time.

[–] birdcannon 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I really enjoyed Heretic’s Fork

[–] birdcannon 2 points 2 months ago

A well built world, big reveals, and wonderful emotional payoffs. Easy rec for a Sanderson fan.

[–] birdcannon 8 points 2 months ago

Gonna be reeeaaaal hard resisting early access, really wanna experience this complete. The fledgling Godot dev in me is dying to see under the hood

[–] birdcannon 29 points 2 months ago (6 children)

When the game pitch is a cinematic trailer, then a whole bunch of name drops Directed By X, Starring Y, Soundtrack by Z, and not a single mention of what the heck the player is even gonna do in the game, when will AAA studios drop the pretenses and do what they actually wanna do and just make movies

[–] birdcannon 6 points 3 months ago

No keeb, only cat

No games, only cat (
submitted 3 months ago by birdcannon to c/cat
[–] birdcannon 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I saw all 5 Highlander movies for the first time this year and this one was my favorite by far.

The aliens send people into the future as a punishment? Then when the punishment isn’t punishment-y enough, they send goons into the further future to kill the guy?? And then when the goons point out ‘why bother? Why not just wait and he’ll die anyway?’ Also why even wait because time is apparently a pointlessly easily accessible plaything but NO QUESTIONS go to future kill old man???

Incomprehensible, hilarious


Thought I’d share these cards I just finished up.

I dunno about you, but I like cards. The book is incorrect the moment it’s printed, and printouts are nice buuuut annoying to flip through pages. Cards are nice.

First, the lovely person running Print-AOS over on Ko-fi super nicely formatted the various scrolls for a 4x6 format and put em for free download. Snagged the squads I have, then went to google for a suitable cardback. I really liked the image of the battletome with AOS banner over it, but it was weirdly hard to find for some armies. There isn’t some repository of them, just randomly used on articles. Snagged jpgs of those, then over the Snapfish (any photo printing service or your own printer is fine, I’m not sponsored I swear). $5 and had all the photos shipped to me. Slide em into some 4x6 toploaders and done.

Reeeeaaally enjoyed the 3 games of spearhead I got to play, hopefully having these will make it easier to get people I have over to try it out. Books and printouts are a bit daunting for folks, cards are love. If anyone has an even easier solution please share


I'm not sure how else I could describe what I'm seeking other than what I've put in the title. I love board games, and I love video games. My favorites are the ones that burn my brain and scratch it real good. Nothing relaxes my ADHD brain like being fully consumed and hyperfocused on some ridiculous puzzle.

Lately, I've been seeking games that fit the criteria of the title. And just to be clear, I am NOT talking about digital adaptations of board games. The game needs to be a video game above all. If it could work 'as is' in another format, it does not meet the criteria. The computer should add something to the experience.

That out of the way, some of my favorites, please share yours as well!

Deckbuilders/Card Games

Slay the Spire

  • The GOAT, and now also the new hotness in board game format with simplified numbers and effects. I have probably 2000+ hours combined on desktop and mobile. Won't explain this one, enough people have talked about it. I don't play it as much as I used to, but always enjoy returning for a few runs.


  • A solid deckbuilder when it released in 2023, now a GREAT one after the 1.2 patch earlier this year. It follows the typical roguelike deckbuilding formula: choose a path, complete encounters, collect upgrades, etc etc. The spice is the Charm system. Individual, unique upgrades put directly on cards themselves. They can get pretty wacky and lead to really fun runs. The production value is also excellent, several tiers above the competition. Highly recommend for fans of STS.

Tainted Grail

  • Also a board game (that I have not played), but oh man the sheer amount of variety in this one is nuts. Many ways to victory, many ways to lose. So many characters to play, so many cards. It's kinda janky and I do have many gripes, but I still think this is well worth the time of anyone who enjoys the genre.


  • One of my favorites of the year. Play poker hands for points, get money, buy power ups (called Jokers) that grant bonuses based on various criteria. Insane combos can be made: the opening hands you'll be happy to crack 300-600 points and by the end you'll be pushing ridiculous exponents. I don't even like poker, but I easily got a few hundred hours out of this.

I could keep going on about card games since they're the most abundant option, so I'll list a few other notable ones before moving on: Monster Train, Gordian Quest, Vault of the Void, Inscryption (more of a narrative/puzzle game than a deckbuilder really but it's really good in it's own right)

Tile Placement Games I don't really know how else to quantify these so feel free to give a better genre.

Reus 2

  • The reason I made this post, and woefully underrated. Imagine if Reiner Knizia made a tile placement roguelike. You pick 3 'gods' that dictate the tiles that will be available to you, then place tiles to achieve various score requirements to complete objectives and in the end get the highest score possible and unlock more stuff. I haven't played Reus 1, all I know is Reus 2 should be a hit among board gamers. Do thing to get more resources to do more things to get points and the game ends right before you have everything you want. That's so board games.

Mini Motorways

  • Could also arguably be called a puzzle rather than any kind of tile placement game. You place roads to connect colored buildings to other buildings of the same color. Similar to games like Railroad Ink. Your resources of what you can place are limited, and eventually the scale gets so absurd you will eventually lose track and everything crumbles around you. Many different maps with different challenges available as well.


  • Ok maybe not a tile placement game, the emphasis is more on worker placement and resource management, but I can't spend all day splitting genre hairs. I've also called this an efficiency puzzle. Haven't played the board game of this one either. The core of each of the scenarios is to build and upgrade your settlement, allocate workers and move them around smartly, and deal with a variety of disasters to eventually overcome the final disaster. It's tense, thinky, and one of my favorites of all time.

Engine Builders All the factory games. I'll just list the big ones and move on:

  • Factorio
  • Satisfactory
  • Final Factory
  • others probably

4X Alright so I'm not well versed here at all. Civ has been my game since I was a kid, and unlike with deckbuilders, deviating from ol reliable never seems to interest me. My favorite is always whichever one is the newest, and I'm sure once the first xpac for 7 comes out it'll supplant 6 for me, as 6 did 5, as 5 did 4, and 4 did 3.

I've tried Crusader Kings 3, but it didn't grab me as I'd hoped. Own Stellaris, but haven't tried it yet.

TTRPGs I'm not well versed here either, and I'm not a fan anyway. I put a few hours into Gloomhaven and just did not care one bit. Also have played ~10 hours of Baldur's Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2, and a few other's I'm forgetting. Simply not a genre for me, but perhaps folks will have recommendations for those who enjoy.


I could list some puzzle games and such as well, but then we'd be here all day.

Please contribute to my ridiculous steam wishlist by dropping recommendations below~


Looking at it, I feel like it kinda looks like I just slapped on random bits and milliput. I did, but I want it to look more purposeful/part of the piece.

I watched Midwinter Mini’s video for the nurgle land raider and used much of that for inspo. I really wanted the PVA+Superglue trick to work but it did not come out as nice for me. I thought about adding more and just not painting it, but a bit worried about slapping that on miiiight be too much?

If anyone has any advice to make it look more like a flesh change or parts erupting from the metal (or any other advice to elevate this) I would greatly appreciate the guidance.

New Clanrats revealed! (
submitted 11 months ago by birdcannon to c/warhammer

3d printed the skeleton and glued it to some mdf board. Primed with wraithbone, and hit em with Agrax Earthshade.

Covered it in a layer of Vallejo earth texture, then mud technical paint patches in a few places. Spattered Elmer’s glue about, then looooots of army painter grass.

While that dried, I ordered mode train terrain trees, plants, and army painter underbrush. Glued that around, then hit the bones and rocks with Vallejo lichen randomly.

Thought it might be cool to hang vines and stuff from the ribs, but want to move on to the next project~


Did these in like 30 minutes each, super fun and soooo easy for painting noobs like me

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