I'm excited about this , but when ! My gf is on maternity leave and is about to go back on birth control and pay full price .
All three of my dual sense controllers have stick drift , I managed to fix 2 of them by taking apart and cleaning them . The third one I'm in the process of replacing the potentiometer just haven't had time to finish it yet . Barely had these issues on my older controllers that got so much more use.
You could fit 11000 cases of wings in a few deep freezers if you tried hard enough.
He has so money good movies but if you want to see him at his most unhinged watch vampires kiss . One of my favorite parts is when he yells the entire alphabet at his secretary.
Ubuntu , I tried switching to arch recently but I could not figure out how to mount my drive that has all movies on it so I switched back for now. Any tips and mounting a NTFS drive .
I did have issues with my PS3 controllers make random button presses but there is an easy fix . I would just put a small piece of cardboard where the plastic circuit thing would make contact with the main board and it would make a better connection and fix the issue.
By sending more bombs. In sure that will convince Israel to stop .
I have the same experience. PS3 controllers work perfectly and heavy use and all 3 of my dualsense controllers have bad stick drift . Going to take them apart and see if I can clean them soon . I've also had to take apart one of my dualsense controllers already because one of the buttons stopped working.
The company I work has a contract with them . I scan them with an app on my phone. I get about 10-15 a day and they are all in the same area as my paper route so it only adds a few minutes to my paper route for an extra $15 or so a day. I live in Atlantic Canada so I can't really help you unless you live near me.
I deliver newspapers and amazon packages in the morning before starting my main job. It basically covers my car payments with a little extra left over.
Ahh good old dildo Newfoundland
I somehow got this . I never wear deodorant and don't get any BO even after a crazy sweaty day .