Roger Roger
What our vector, Victor?
takes off handbrake and puts plane into first gear
I wonder what will happen when Putin finally dies. Will Russia split into a bunch of locally-controlled states? Or will the entire thing collapse under the weight of it's own corruption?
All I know is, he's going to die long before I do, which is a very comforting thought.
I'll show you its easy:
gang gang
gang gang
whoohoo I'm a cowboy
gang gang
Oooo I hate those Mongolians, they ruined my shitty wok
Daaamn they are some clean tape joins
Imagine we couldn't actively breathe but instead got all out air by running into the air to force it into your lungs
Sounds terrifying, how do they sleep?
We had RSS feeds that would auto download the latest episode, then you could copy it to your ipod