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[–] avapa 11 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (4 children)

Genau das kann ich einfach nicht verstehen. So sollte doch jeder wissen wohin diese nationalsozialistische Ideologie geführt hat. 80 Millionen Tote, davon allein 6 Millionen Juden und hunderttausende andere Minderheiten die nicht auf dem Schlachtfeld fielen, sondern brutal und systematisch schlichtweg ermordet wurden. Und wenn man schon die nationalistische Schiene fahren möchte, dann sollte man auch nicht vergessen welches Leid die Nazis der deutschen Bevölkerung angetan haben. Zerbombte Städte, Hunger, Armut und ein letztlich 45 Jahre lang geteiltes Land. Das sind die Konsequenzen des deutschen Faschismus. Und wofür? Damit man sich einige Jahre auf die eigene Schulter klopfen und sich mal geil und mächtig fühlen kann? Nein, danke!

[–] avapa 10 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

My cat had the same name! We gave him the name because he was a completely black cat with just a singular white hair on his chest and as a sort of play on the common superstition that black cats are a sign of bad luck. We had to put him down last year due to acute leukemia but we had a great 15 years together.

[–] avapa 9 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I highly recommend visiting Crete and exploring Phaistos, Knossos, etc. there. The Minoan civilization that built all these places was the first advanced civilization in Europe. It’s totally surreal to walk around Phaistos when you keep in mind that people walked these exact paths nearly 6000 years ago.

Here is a picture I took there in December:

[–] avapa 17 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

I think, at least for non-savvy people, that buying individual stocks is not a great idea anyway. If you’re investing to have long term capital gains something like the MSCI World ETF would probably be the better choice. If you invested in that specific index fund in 2016 you’d have doubled your money by now, even during this economic downturn. Sure, you can make more money in a shorter time day trading but that shit is damn near a full time job and more risky unless you heavily diversify your portfolio (which you should do anyway).

Another poster mentioned stocks of the company he works for. My company for example distributes a good amount of their yearly profits to their employees. Meaning that once a year you can choose between a couple hundred bucks one-time payout or get a bunch of company stocks for a heavily discounted price, but they’re trade-locked for two years. At the beginning of 2020 I chose the stock option and the shares got bought right at the beginning of the covid dip. When 2022 rolled around I had essentially quintupled my initial investment in the discounted stocks. So that’s another great tip, provided you company offers similar plans.

[–] avapa 24 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Japanese society is very old-fashioned, male dominated, hierarchical and “I’m older than you so that means I’m right”. Japan’s cybersecurity minister admitted a couple of years ago that he had never used a computer in his life. While I understand the frustration it is (unfortunately) not surprising that these changes do not happen in a timely fashion.

[–] avapa 72 points 2 years ago (6 children)

Dafür, dass die eine Frau bei Zeiss(?) drei Schichten schiebt und kaum mehr als Mindestlohn erhält, können die Flüchtlinge auch nichts. Das ist wieder einmal ein klassisches zur Seite schauen und Niedertreten von Leuten, denen es noch schlechter geht als einem selbst. Vielleicht sollte die gute Frau sich fragen, warum sie denn so ausgebeutet wird?

[–] avapa 2 points 2 years ago

At 26, I’ve been using Reddit for nearly half my life. I had backed up all my posts, comments, etc but when I hit the delete button in PowerDeleteSuite I felt like I just threw a big part of my life away.

[–] avapa 22 points 2 years ago (5 children)


  • The People of Germany
[–] avapa 13 points 2 years ago

My company mandates Windows laptops but I mostly work with Linux VMs hosted on our servers. WSL2 and Visual Studio Code (with Remote SSH and WSL2 plug-ins) are the best things that happened to Windows in years. Without these tools I would simply be unable to work.

[–] avapa 7 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

It's the trade off of having a mostly bleeding edge operating system. It's part of the reason why I wouldn't recommend Arch to beginners. While pretty rare, some update will eventually break part of your OS or cause other (often minor) issues and you should be knowledgeable enough/willing to look up the offending package and roll it back. It's up to the user to decide whether Arch's pros (massive software availability through official repos and the AUR, DIY approach, up-to-date packages) outweigh its cons.

As @[email protected] said (I can't tell if jokingly or not - lol), it is somewhat expected that an Arch user checks the Latest News section on archlinux.org before updating their system. Though I might add, I usually don't bother.

[–] avapa 1 points 2 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, notifications weren't working properly in my app.

Yes, I mean the Mini not the full-size desktop.

[–] avapa 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Playing on original hardware has its charms but emulation is often a better experience anyway. I have an N64 sitting in the closet collecting dust because a) it’s a PAL console (sigh), b) the analog stick is shot and c) my TV doesn’t support SCART. I know I could get an NTSC console, buy replacement gears for the stick, buy a RetroTink to get HDMI support, etc. At some point it’s just too much of a hassle for nostalgia’s sake.

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