I've been using Trunks as my go-to Mastodon client for a couple of weeks now and I'm really liking it.
Fuck's sake, and alternatively Fucksocks.
A long time ago in school gym class, we had to do these circuits for what I think was some sort of baseline physical evaluation type thing.
One of the things you had to do was start off laying down on your stomach, and at the whistle get up and sprint to a wall and then back.
I got up and started so fast the teacher didn't get a chance to start the timer. I had to do it again and of course wasn't as fast. I'll never be able to recapture that one moment.
As a Suns fan - wow what an unhelpful trade 😬
A totally stacked day at work, then a haircut, now catching up on Black Mirror before starting on the new season.
Crystal Palace Park (though shout out to the Norwood Park comment!). There's just so many different areas to the park, good for those wanting some shade (like me!)
I'll be staying on Lemmy as much as possible
Enjoying our new gigantic fan while hiding from the sun :D
Jellyfin on a RPi3, PiHole on a PiZero, and more in the near future after getting some great ideas from you all!
1Password family account for my partner and I. Super handy to have a shared vault for household things.