I’m in this exact same boat. I also remember them saying they’d never raise the price on us. I imagine their defense will be something about how GPM doesn’t exist anymore and YouTube premium wasn’t part of that offer or something. It’s still bullshit but I can’t imagine we’ll win.
In high CoL places, rent is routinely much lower than a mortgage— not to even mention the incredible down payment that you have to get the loan in the first place.
As an example, a one bedroom apartment in SF would cost you around $1,000,000 to buy. If you somehow have $200k to get a mortgage, your monthly payment is about $6k. To rent that same apartment, you’d only (lol, only) pay ~$3000-4500.
On top of this, the cost of owning is higher than just your mortgage payment. Your lender will most likely require homeowners insurance which can easily run a few thousand dollars per year (compared to a couple hundred for renters insurance). You also have to pay for the big repairs yourself when as a renter if the heat breaks that’s the landlord’s problem.
Ok so not illegal— just too expensive for the poors. Sounds just right for the GOP.
Thanks for the detailed reply!
Didn’t Texas make it illegal to go out of state to get around their bans?
Why did they change it in the first place? FPTP voting sucks.
The rise in antisemitism is really alarming, and the fact that it’s not limited to unserious, conservative trolls makes it even more so.
You just have to tell this type of person that the party starts 30m later than everyone else. Then you also have the friends that need to be told it’s actually 30m earlier.
I hope they didn’t have to pay him for this. Like, I’m interested in watching a good doc about the shitshow that this man’s entire life must be, but not if he profits from it.
So it’s a 10% chance to avoid a hit that is in the range AC+6 to AC+15?
That’s a fair point, but TBH, I was just trying to be snarky because I fucking hate people that use speakers on hiking trails.
Sounds like you shouldn’t be listening to music either then.
Whenever a YA novel has an oppressive government, they talk like the Tory’s.
This is some dystopian government shit right here. My dude is gleefully saying some shit that is clearly not true and seeming to enjoy the dissonance that causes in mind of listeners.