Good news! Trump is planning to point a huge amount of anger at the Democrats as soon as he gets into office. Jack Smith, Joe Biden, Laetitia James, and who knows who else will probably get federal charges which will probably succeed.
I'm glad to hear you are united with that anger. I'm sure it will help us maintain the two-party system. What's your next step, once those obstacles to the two-party system are cleared out of the way?
You aren't owed life, or shelter, food every day, or freedom from imprisonment from no reason. Or from torture. Nobody outside yourself has any obligation to create for you a system that you like.
We made all this up, all this justice, flawed or not. We create it every day. Except now it might be about to go away. We either get together and create and sustain it, or it can blow away like a fart in the wind.
That's realpolitik. Welcome to it, and congratulations.