soggy ol' diaper cushions his fall
checkmate democrats /s
soggy ol' diaper cushions his fall
checkmate democrats /s
i only hope to achieve the level of satisfaction that the person who came up with this title must hold on a daily basis
remember when we all did a great job saving water so they just upped the rates? something tells me this isn't going to help consumers
hot dog (it's not sausage because this is the US and there is no sage) flautas
don't trust a cathboy either
dear onlookers, i swear i am not a furry, dear op, there is this app called Barq that i haven't made any lasting friendships on, but the people i've connected with are weird enough that their interests are usually more likely to line up with mine, my most reliable pokemon go raid buddy i met through it, also i used an app for a bit called Meetup that had a lot of weekly events and stuff on it, went to a few game nights in random cafes around my town through it, so depending on your area that can help
glad you were able to free it from it's jelly prison
i think i did it, ty for the advice
don't forget the disney clause
yeah, you tell him! pootie will show him the business now, stupid kid
but the guy who makes the funny steel is just so sexy and manly, do you want us all to be boring and on time all the time? like, if things worked, that would just make us the cogs, wouldn't it? /s
i have done my research and i personally choose to believe that they're grumpin' us, it sounds too good to not be true