Hopefully it will encourage more billionaire tourists to go see it before it's too late.
Check your "urcranium" bruh
The tattoos look fun and it seems like you both had fun with it. The skull has a whimsical look to it which I like, it gives it a sort of personality. Well done!
Now for some helpful feedback. Keep working on your lines. They could be more straight and consistent. I only see a few minor blowouts, you're doing great already. The circles around the skull are imperfect, which distract from the main piece, especially the circle above the skull. Also, there is inconsistency in the size and shape of the dots. Overall, these are fun tattoos, and I can see you perfecting your skill with more practice. Keep it up, well done!
Besides the idiocy of the statement, these people don't understand the toll that pregnancy has on the body.
I'm good with my 1080p TV and cables from 9 years ago, who the hell cares about a few extra pixels? I want good content, not better graphics.
I was wondering what would happen if you asked it to send you money.
There isn't a staff tall enough for the flag I want to fly for when that fuck croaks.
Yeah, to blow it up. Not to invest in one.
My stance is irrelevant, but I believe there's no "afterlife", so all this stuff about god and whatnot is pure nonsense. It can bring up interesting philosophical questions sometimes though, about what is life and what does it mean to be good and to have a fulfilling life.
Heaven / hell / whatever alternatives I've heard of have one thing in common: infinite time, which sounds like an absolutely miserable existence. It's like that scene in the movie Beetlejuice where they draw a ticket for the queue, and you're sitting there bored as shit forever. Apparently theres a word for fear of infinity: apeirophobia.
Don't worry guys, all these corporations will bring back those pretty rainbow logos for Pride Month™ and all will be forgotten.