Either people didn't get your sarcasm or they didn't like it. Not sure which is worse.
Yup it is. Most recent example is Space Marine 2. I don't have a problem paying full price if the review consensus is that it's good enough to warrant it. So I waited for the reviews, and my most trusted reviewers lavished it so I bought it day one. Lo and behold it lived up.
I don't expect the same for ES6.
Honestly I'm expecting a hot steaming pile of garbage given their trajectory. Just another fantasy veneer on the same tired Bethesda formula rife with bugs. My expectations are so low, in fact, my plan is to wait for a good sale to get it, or until I hear that it's released in a playable state but still post release.
Doug Cockle back voicing Geralt? Count me tf in!
That's a new (to me) scheme for Tau that works brilliantly. Really well done, I love it.
Rushmore was my introduction to Wes Anderson decades ago and it remains my favorite. I quote it weekly, with heavy preference to "O R they?" Love it through and through.
They're called crabs.
I don't understand anything in this sentence.
Ohhhh this brings me back..
The feathers alone give me brush envy. Excellent work.
I can't not hear Seth Meyers.