Hasn't SQ42 already had multiple release date announcements? This is a joke, right?
Are there Quarians in this game?
That sounds and looks awesome!
Ya done gone did excellent work!
Just finished watching the show a couple weeks ago, and loved it. Seeing this pop up in my feed now feels weird.
Really not sure how to interpret 'cozy' here, but tbh the Farcry series are great for me in that they're my casual shooters. I say this meaning that I do the shooting when I want to do the shooting -- otherwise I'm off paragliding or picking flowers or something else low stress and soothing. To me, in that regard, they're very cozy.
Pretty flippin' amazing!
Either people didn't get your sarcasm or they didn't like it. Not sure which is worse.
Yup it is. Most recent example is Space Marine 2. I don't have a problem paying full price if the review consensus is that it's good enough to warrant it. So I waited for the reviews, and my most trusted reviewers lavished it so I bought it day one. Lo and behold it lived up.
I don't expect the same for ES6.
IIRC their office flooded, destroying equipment and much of the game's development with it.