How long does it stay foamy for? Like just the first pour or is it indefinitely?
joined 2 years ago
My feeling is that I've fallen off the mcu wagon. I watched quantumania and secret invasion. I didn't dislike Quantumania nearly as much as seemingly everyone else; I thought it was fine. Secret Invasion, however, was the biggest disappointment I've experienced in visual media since Rise of Skywalker (without which the bar would've been Attack of the Clones).
The only other things I'm interested in are Loki season 2 and Echo, but D+ doubled their price and so I canceled. C'est la vie, I guess.
Supreme Court action already upending January 6 rioter sentencings, being looked at by Trump defense
Are the lines glycol chilled? If not it might be that the beer is warming up on its way to the tap given the long length of lines after running hot cleaner through them.