
joined 1 year ago
[–] another_lemming 1 points 1 year ago

That's how majority-vik party becomes the government on display.

Denying big powerful entities from controlling you is both anarchist and communist, and is based.

I'm sure if it comes to being ruled by Meta, many previously .lm users would get it.

From the side of Fediverse, there's like no argument to accept Facebook but WE NEED TO GROW. And no, the influx of some millions of users won't bring life or quality to Lemmy, it would replace it for what culture of communicating is in the Insta. And I don't feel like many people there would vote to have this.

Once you accept it, your community is overtaken (and you need to serve another thousands of users as an admin). I don't feel anyone would be open to include them.

[–] another_lemming 1 points 1 year ago

Then Google. 4 engineers 'promoted' a use of web DRM.

[–] another_lemming 1 points 1 year ago

Or maybe he was financed to run it down?

[–] another_lemming 8 points 1 year ago

Also, seller is likely to be seen responsible if shipping won't go great, like broken, lost, stolen. Some just won't trust international mail before they get big enough they can take a hit, or it's their primary market.

[–] another_lemming 5 points 1 year ago

Not OP but virus is just an algorhytm without decisive power to act either way, it has no ground for intent or decision. Like a gun. It's people who kills. You being alive doesn't matter if you left a shotgun rigged to shoot at the door once someone come in. The problem is the man who wrote the guide to create such traps, those who reprint it, those who take it to their heart and indocrinate others to use it to welcome their neighbors.

There's a bad reading of the Fight Club (and not only it). A piece of fiction is mutated by the previous biases, to support them back in a loop. They see Tyler as an alpha chad, and think the same imaginary guy lives within them, and letting him out is the way to become the fucker of women and the leader of men. It doesn't tik all points of the Religion(tm), but it's not far from individual toxic faith. Was Fight Club a bad book?

Or in case it isn't fair, have you read Mein Kampf? Yeah, the universally Bad Book. I've read it in my late teens for it was so banned in my country (me edgy), I needed to access the second page of Google before downloading it. It felt sooo boring, and preaching, and whiney, and fake. I literally couldn't believe someone really read it on their own. But then again, the society of nazi Germany was supposed to read this toilet paper, to gift it to others, to make something out it. And some, who felt like this miserable painter and vet, took it to their heart. They've seen answers to questions they had before, they've seen their own reflection in it, and they've seen their existing hate doubled down in this piece of crap. And others just played in, having it as an accessory because it is what others do.

Is it familiar?

If there's a group of miserable people, they would make 50 Shades of Grey a bestseller (they did), and they would execute the code lying in it if they are vulnerable.

Educated population with critical perception of media who don't have these fantasies already, would not be infected with a written word. Their insecurities and biases make it happen, their need to be enabled to act on them. As someone wrote, 'To shoot, one should have a bullet in their heart'.

Abuse of religion comes from people who need it to have slaves, beat wives or find why they are so miserable. Others would not turn into it by reading a book. Unless the same people would make it the rules of the game, like it was to have a gift edition of MK as your table book.

To be hurt by a trojan, you need a computer, that would be happy to run it. And growing scepticism against religious radicalism in the west shows we slowly come to immunity against it. But it's still not neutered, still widespread, as there are still people vulnerable enough for it.

[–] another_lemming 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Not exactly? I mean you are correct to name these, but I've not seen them wanting it to come faster.

I mean, some of them call out things they don't like as sings of coming end, and they are pretty angry about it. Vaxxing being a mark of the beast is my favorite. If they were accelerating the come of their end from the scripture, they could've behaved like they are on Woodstock, not in American Gothic. Only doomsday sects who isolate themselves and wait for the end are really into that. Others are too occupied with their lives and earthly posessions, but do use the book when it comes handy, especially for explaining what they are up to, or what happened without their control.

[–] another_lemming 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

They did not want to think it through for they didn't care.

[–] another_lemming 26 points 1 year ago

"We entered the talks intending to make a deal,” he said. “There have been lots of headlines saying the opposite, but that is not true. We want to get this done and we want on get back into negotiations…We need to get this settled. We want to get back around the table."

I smell his ass burning. Let give it another round in a microwave. Protesters are scarying a shitty person for once.

[–] another_lemming 5 points 1 year ago

I know. It's still not comparable to reddit. For the very least, they allowed other instances to be created with their code. I can dislike the way they go from the common point in socialism to ml, but still prefer them over corpos and place credit where it's due.

[–] another_lemming 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

No, you are golden.

[–] another_lemming 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

It may not be displayed correctly, but it seems you trimmed your own comment on the article but not Gizmodo's promotion.

[–] another_lemming 35 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Thank you.

There's an ad in the end if you want to trim it.

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