Hehe, premium comment!
Huh, either nobody seems to have a free emoji maker or they're all just blocked by my company's AI blocklist. 😑
It's soooo close to something good, but rictal is hard to make something out of.
Most rictal per pixel...
No pictures with more rictals...
Not even a weird pronunciation really makes them work and it's so frustrating!
Not shown, photographer's shoes:
That was an interesting read. I liked getting some of the terminology, but also hearing that Neanderthal people may have been crepuscular!
We still generally have a person or 2 we do like to see, even if not all the time.
Most of these owls though understand another raptor as something that could cause one or both of them to starve or be without a safe shelter.
I haven't seen too much specifics on owl relationships, but it sounds more of a truce to achieve a common goal than a friendship/romance. Most don't seem to spend much time close together unless they're actively nesting, otherwise they have too many competing goals.
I really liked this whole set. It makes me wonder what goes on in their fluffy little brains!
I hope they're having some kind of happy thoughts about winning fights, scaring off other birds and animals, raising happy babies, and catching the tastiest little creatures ever. I don't want it to just be a blank space or keeping one ear out for lunch and another to make sure nobody else makes the owl the lunch!
On my New Year's Eve, I saw one of my backyard bird friends get eaten. I couldn't find any flight feather to confirm it was one of my bluejays, but it really looked like one. All I found was a bunch of belly down. It got pinned down by a Cooper's Hawk and was taken away after a few moments. I have dozens of hours of interactions with the jays, and I think of us as friendly neighbors. I felt bad, but I do care about the hawk too, and that is what hawks are meant to do. I made sure not to cause a distraction, as I felt it was already too late for the caught bird, and if it was its time to be the food, I didn't want him to get left behind if the hawk panicked from my presence and the bird to just get left behind.
I've seen the jays fight off the hawk before, and I've also seen the hawk take other random finches and sparrows before, and I was glad to see it was still alive and doing well. They jays are just the ones I've bonded with most. It's similar to how some people befriend the crows. I started feeding them peanuts and spending time with them, and they got to know me, and they call their bird friends when they see me get home and such. They will call to me sometimes if I sleep in too late.
But I have to remember they are just my neighbors, and not my pets. They have their own lives to live and duties to fulfill. I try not to humanize them too much, but I do really hope they enjoy the lives they get to live. Watching animals reminds me how hard things can be, but it does show me they do have unique personalities, even if they aren't like ours exactly. I hope they get to enjoy some form of love and hope and satisfaction. They deserve it as much as anything does.
It really astounds me that I haven't found any country so far that pays these people or provides them supplies! People these days agree on nothing, but I have met so few individuals in my life that don't have at least some positive feelings toward animals. It would seem like getting some of these orgs funded would be a no-brainer, but every bit of time, money, and supplies is provided by donation. I'm glad there are so many that give of themselves to play a part.
If you've followed my postings for a decent bit of time, so many of these injuries are due to us anyway. Giving back to the animals for what we've done is really the least we can do!
It's all bright in the clinic and it's hurt and doesn't know what's going on in the orange towel pics.
In the crate, it's likely feeling at least a little better from getting its wing set and some fluids back in its system, and now has the energy and wherewithal to be its natural, feisty self again.
Most posts I read say and angry owl is a healthy owl! 😆 Sounds a bit counter-intuitive to social creatures like us, but owls thrive with their solitude.
Somewhat tangential, but with the comments about "baby schema" over the weekend, I was reading if that scientist had done any work with owls, and while he didn't, he had an interesting story about a fellow scientist trying to breed domesticated owls.
The guy sounded like he was imprinting the owls to people, possibly himself, and the owls would be good with people due to the imprinting. The problem arose though was what to do next. Due to being human imprinted, the owls saw themselves as somewhat human, and displayed all their mating attention with the paired human. This certainly doesn't result in ending up with new, domesticated owls though.
When placed with other owls of their kind, they were really hesitant to bond with the opposite sex owls to make new owls. Some eventually would mate, but if that original bonded human ever showed up to the aviary again, the bonded owl would go crazy at its actual owl-mate and try to drive them off, as they were bonded harder to their human imprint. Seemingly the classic owl monogamy is pretty strong! So without being able to keep the human bond and the owl bond, the project went nowhere.
I didn't think that was enough for a full post. Maybe I can look into it more, but even that bit I thought was quite interesting.
It's true, my problem with it was it was too full of good stuff it got to be overwhelming!