That's one way to go over the wall
I would not tell the truth that Santa is fake. I would tell them the Santa brings presents.
I was about ten I think. Might have been 11. Figured it out.
No kids but yeah I definitely would tell them about Santa and let them enjoy their childhood. Life sucks. Let them enjoy the first few years.
Edit : I would not tell the truth that Santa is fake. I would tell them the Santa brings presents.
Solid proof of God? Yeah that would change things
I was going to go with that one, but I went with something else.
Solid proof that the source of all life on this planet actually began on a different world. The critical components came here via a comet or even an spacecraft that inadvertently dropped it off. Should screw with a lot of ideals
At first, I was going to down vote you then I realize something, if you don’t really wanna be there then don’t be there because you’re not gonna be a good jury member anyways.
After he’s been underwater for years
Yes but with an oven you can get in there and clean it. The grate at the top of the air fryer is built in away, where you can’t really clean it.
“ If I just try hard enough, I can change him.”
Same reason why we have the tooth fairy.
Same reason why we create all sorts of other things for kids. To allow kids to be kids and have fun. To help them see the good in the world before we rip the rug out from under them, and show them the world just plain fucking sucks.