
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I can tell you haven't watched the video, and that you haven't even engaged in the topic that the video is about...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

What @model_[email protected] said, Sorry my original post was not so clear.

I based my answer on the assumption that you would not be using somebody else's art to train an AI. The Lora models are already brimming full of other people's art.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/breadtube
[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Are you talking about an artist exclusively running their images through an AI model until it is capable of regenerating images that look like it was created by them and have some semblance of intent?

In order to get anything that looks remotely like what people want, I'm pretty sure they would have to upload millions of pictures of their own creation first. So most people just layer their images on top of the giant mash of ethically sketchy data that already was there.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)
  1. Nobody had responded when you wrote this
  2. What a persecution complex
  3. Twitter is owned by a transphobe with a personal vendetta against his own child for being trans. You are not being discriminated against
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

I don't think people watch these before they upvote or downvote them. By the way, I ended up subscribing to this YouTube channel and all of their videos are pretty consistently good actually.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

The edit is a nice touch.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I liked this video. The whole main point, "I'll use your solution if you can provide it," is a good one.

I don't fully agree with it. Regarding previous actions, personally I think the Palestine protests have been pretty successful so I disagree with the video there, but in general I do agree that the OWS protests were not successful, and I would also have loved to see better alternative candidates provided besides Bernie, or besides whatever Jimmy Dore and those other hacks were pushing.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Right now it's mostly just one guy picking his battles badly and not really doing anything. Get Woke Go Broke, or they shuffle the successful properties back in the other direction.

I think you can sit this one out and just watch from the sidelines. Based on the conclusion (in this video), I think we all can.


Don't be fooled by the neutral tone here, this video is excellent and it builds up a considerable argument to rebut.

If you feel like downvoting, I'd love to know why.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

What is your great plan for preventing Project 2025 that will work better than re-electing Joe Biden?

And why haven't you enacted it yet?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

It's been fun watching reactionaries pick fights with companies that don't even notice them, and then losing and freaking out over it.

I'm not sure if a lot of the chuds who "like" Warhammer even cared about it to begin with. IIRC The Quartering couldn't pronounce half the words related to the franchise.

At 34 minutes, I learned something about what happens when you watch one of the anti-woke videos for long enough. (And my YouTube client crashed as I went to make this comment...)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I probably should have said "inverse" or "reverse" instead, couldn't come up with the right word for that at the time, sorry

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

And the ~~opposite~~ reverse is true, which I think is more interesting: the average Democrat voter is to the left, probably far to the left, of Biden on several things (the border, Israel, and marijuana legalization all come to mind).


If you don't feel like watching a two hour video about The Satanic Temple but still want info, I'd recommend this Newsweek article.

If you've already watched it, here are some additional comments regarding this video as provided by QueerSatanic on Reddit (slightly edited for formatting):

On lawsuits

The chilling effect of The Satanic Temple suing Newsweek (and its reporter as an individual) for defamation over the magazine's story in October 2021 can't be overstated.

Everything has been dismissed except for the question of whether TST is a public or private figure (it's almost definitionally a public figure) and whether they were defamed by the article quoting someone about sexual abuse in the Temple; all the other ~20 claims got tossed by the judge.

But as Dead Domain's video showed, it's not like there is a paucity of evidence for the remaining claim, either.

If you want to dig into the court docket for the Newsweek SLAPP, this is the magazine's last filing (1)(2), which TST handwaves away as "Internet hearsay" in their reply.

On bigotry

Dead Domain may have been required to use that “I think it’s OK to hate Jews” clip because it’s the most infamous one and the one that has been addressed publicly at all.

However, the beliefs on eugenics are so much worse, plus the casual racism and the praise of literal fascism. (Examples).

I went to Italy and got a fascist shirt, and I loved how clean that part of town was” is something that made it into the video, but people still willing to give TST’s owner the benefit of doubt are basically saying they don’t care to learn how bad he actually was at the “young” age of 28, and they don’t need any proof of change other than not hearing those clips anymore.

Fifteen years later at age 43, TST’s owner was still running his website called “Dysgenics . com”


This is part of a trilogy about X-Men by an unapologetically (but slightly covertly) leftist creator.


TIK is the huge YouTuber obsessed with Hitler, in case the name doesn't ring a bell. His greatest contribution to humanity is YouTuber videos saying "Hitler was a socialist" and doubling down on that opinion obsessively.

This is a comprehensive rebuttal.


Content warning: Fictionalized depictions of child abuse throughout the movie being critiqued and reviewed.

Sound of Freedom was never marketed as a movie you'd want to see. It was marketed as a movie you had to see.

Here it is compared and contrasted with how the Daily Wire/BentKey attempts to market itself, and the reason for its massive success is explored.

As a bit of a Jim Caviezel understander myself, I can vouch for this video technically being incomplete; it doesn't delve into both Tim Ballard being a possible "accidental" sex trafficker himself and checking into his business, Operation Underground Railroad. But this video expanded my previous knowledge pretty substantially.

If you're curious about more, check out QAnon Anonymous Episode 238: Sound of Freedom and Operation Underground Railroad feat. Dave Anthony, Anna Merlan, and Tim Marchman.


"Sneako was programmed [to be a bigot]. And the same people who programmed him want to program you."

Featuring the systematic deconstruction of a single horrible social media star with pit stops along the way featuring a ton of other scumbags.


Here's a disturbing phenonmenon: When parents look for info on YouTube about why their child is transgender, or maybe open a video provided by their trans child, they might see an ad for some anti-trans propaganda. And the propaganda is pretty careful about pretending to be moderate and even-handed.

It is not.

I'm not going to spoil the video too much, but due to its length, it's worth pointing out there's not much about the titular cult in this video, but it's a thorough deconstruction of the video in question.

But it's one of Jesse's best works I've seen, including because it focuses around trans men (a rarely discussed topic) and Jesse augments the data she brings to the table with some enlightening interviews too.

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