
joined 9 months ago
[–] alvendam 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I think that it sounds too expensive to most americans. We think of cost of tuition in cost per credit hour, not per semester, so when you say "tuition is only 500", we might think that it's 500 per hour, or about 1500 per class. which is about what one would expect to pay at a university in the states.

Oh my... God no! Ahahahah

Most of us don't even find out how many EC-whatever credits we need to graduate before we enroll. Pretty sure It's different, depending on the specialty you're going for and largely irrelevant. I don't have my student's book on me rn, but I'm also pretty sure that I've only got two or three teachers so far (second year, but I've tried two other bachelor programs before that) who've bothered writing in my hours. When people talk tuition, it's almost always per semester. You need to keep in mind though, that most of us study on government subsidy if we study in a domestic university (or abroad with Erasmus). The subsidy is different everywhere. E.g I pay 225 Euro per semester, meanwhile somebody from another country would need to pay something like 1600. I'm in agronomy. My uni also teaches veterinary medicine and those guys pay a little more than us. About 270/1700€ subs/oop. Still, it's apparently a great deal to the absolute shit ton of Greeks who come to become veterinarians here. See - in Greece, subsidised education is entirely free, but it's ultra competitive and apparently paying out of pocket in Bulgaria is significantly cheaper than doing so in Greece for a comparable education and a diploma that's recognised back home.

Also the language aspect is hard. Americans aren't brought up to be bilingual, so doing a bachelor program in another language might be exceedingly difficult.

If your pick of uni doesn't have the option to teach your major of choice entirely in English (and plenty do have it), you will be put in language classes as part of your curriculum, starting from the A and B.

However, you might not want the American university students to come over to Europe. They are exactly as bad as they are portrayed in movies.

Lol, I wouldn't know, but if they're really like the frat boys and girls in the movies, bringing them over to the Balkans makes them liable to die if alcohol poisoning on day 3.

[–] alvendam 8 points 9 months ago (2 children)

I've wondered for a long time - why don't more Americans come study in the EU? We get people from all over the world, but so few Americans and with some of the prices I read about y'all paying at home, you could be happily renting a small apartment, pay your tuition entirely out of pocket, as you'd need to, feed yourself well, fly back home once a year and still not approach the semestral costs in the US. Are our diplomas not recognised across the ocean or is there another reason.

[–] alvendam 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I concede, their worst feature is new.reddit, but Firefox for android implemented full addon support a few months ago, a workaround before that and I don't even remember how long tampermonkey has been in the recommended list, so I have no interaction with that trash. Any other little annoyances, like breaking up comments to recommend you posts have been trivial to circumvent.

[–] alvendam 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

Major? Nah. But I would've preferred it if the feature was never implemented in the first place, so I'd love a setting to de-implement it.

Ruben isn't your run of the mill dev. His track record for implementing requested features is long. Why not make the request and see what happens?

Edit: Besides, my most used apps are, according to Nova, Boost and Boost. Discontinued boost doesn't have the issue and he's probably never going back to it even to fix what little things Reddit broke. Inline gifs used to be a planned feature, though and he'd have already implemented it if not for Reddit's fuckery and you'd see the exact same post on the subreddit. Continued boost has it, so you see it here.

[–] alvendam 2 points 9 months ago

I see. Just checked their site. It appears that we still need the OSBS if we want automatic updates.

That is, if the method still works. I'm way overdue for actually sitting down and playing a game.

[–] alvendam 1 points 9 months ago (3 children)

What's going on with Lutris and Mint these days? Still need the Debian ppa from OpenSuse or did they start officially supporting it again?

[–] alvendam 1 points 9 months ago

Good question. Should be. Stuff as seemingly simple as converting a couple dozen text documents to pdf requires it if you don't want to sit around for an hour, clicking away. Many such examples.

[–] alvendam 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Both long press and tapping the address in the popupp, and clicking the link you posted leads me to the same thing as in the screenshot I posted.

I am on boost 1.0.12 (15) from GPlay

Edit: I can open them /c/ tapping its name in the post and find the May 19 thread, and open it. No /u/Baku, no "calculator" to be found. Can do a screen record if wanted .

Edit 2:

[–] alvendam -1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

The real question is "Why are people so scared of the terminal, when they're perfectly aware of and comfortable with cmd on windows?"

[–] alvendam 4 points 9 months ago (2 children)

The thread doesn't even load for me.

[–] alvendam 1 points 9 months ago

Oh, that makes sense, thank you. I'm really happy with mint. Pretty sure switching to the nightly repos got me most of what I need, for the rest there's PPAs. Rolling release sounds tempting sometimes, trying out Plasma on a distro that supports it is also tempting, but so far I can't be bothered. Mint seems to just work. :D

[–] alvendam 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Dunno, but in every forum I've looked, people say not to use it, but let the updates go through the package manager. Sometimes even on threats of FUBARing your system. Could be that all these people are giving old info that's not true, but I never tried it - don't wanna go on the forums and start the thread with "I explicitly did what people say not to. How fix?"

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