The real time chat abuse reporting is pretty interesting. Hopefully it’s tuned well and you can’t get griefed by it.
What an interesting case study.
Whoa. RuneScape finally has a really battle pass system. Seems like it will feel a lot better to participate in than yak trak for sure.
Can we get a recipe? I’ve desperately needed one!
I read the article and didn’t see any diary stuff. Do you have a link to it?
I concur. I just picked the game back up after years of not playing. Ok very much in the mid game. Combat level 86 etc and this is exciting. I know I may be past thy by the time this comes out but I think this is very much missing for new players to few more involved.
I don’t know about you guys but this hits my uncanny valley for some reason.
Nothing wrong necessarily. If you are casually running, whatever gets you out there and keeps you injury free, is fine.
There are exercises you can do that can help a different pace feel more right, like cadence drills. I suspect, your muscle memory is just quite strong at that one pace, but there isn’t anything inherently making another pace impossible for you to learn.
I never read the books, but I greatly enjoy the show. I think a lot of the people who don’t like it are being boring
These look great! Wish they had free shipping to Michigan, US