
joined 2 years ago
[–] Zak 17 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Florida is a solidly red state in which Trump is winning by a 13 point margin with most of the votes counted. The amendment has 57% to Trump's 56.2% at the time of this comment.

Some states require a simple majority, but Florida's ballot measures require 60%.

[–] Zak 1 points 1 month ago

Talisker promo, not sure who the OEM is.

[–] Zak 3 points 2 months ago

"We" only condemn countries that are geopolitical opponents of the USA, while Israel is the strongest regional ally of the USA in a potential war with Iran.

[–] Zak 2 points 2 months ago

It's probably more fair to call its claim of being decentralized fake or disingenuous. There doesn't seem to be any way to participate in the ecosystem without going through the Bluesky relay, a central point of failure with strong incentives to eventually do something shitty.

[–] Zak 2 points 2 months ago

propagating and caching images

This leads to the problem of abusive users trying to cause legal issues for server owners by introducing CSAM.

[–] Zak 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

nobody is refusing to offer their sevices on linux because it is vulnerable

That's not quite true, though in that case it's about the service provider being unable to verify that the user isn't running a operating system configured or modified to work against the interests of the service provider.

[–] Zak 0 points 2 months ago

No doubt it is for many. They're probably going to vote Democrat even if they find the candidate's stance on immigration unreasonably harsh because [insert long rant about plurality voting and the two-party system].

[–] Zak -1 points 2 months ago (9 children)

I have the impression quite a few Democratic voters are a bit anti-immigrant too.

[–] Zak 7 points 2 months ago

easiest way to fix this would be to stop making voting a state by state thing

Maybe that's easy from a certain perspective, but passing the required constitutional amendment would be anything but.

[–] Zak 27 points 2 months ago

General aviation airports often have little or no staff and only rudimentary access controls. People walking around aircraft are expected to be responsible for their own safety.

[–] Zak 2 points 2 months ago

Maybe, but the archetypal non-technical user, my mother does want to run a third-party ROM. Her phone is out of its official support period, and she knows that security updates are important and would like a way to get them. Most people, at least in wealthy countries do have a technical person in their lives they can ask things like that. She doesn't want to buy a new phone because it would be too big and lack a headphone jack, a position I share.

I had to recommend against running what I run (LineageOS, Magisk, Play Integrity Fix). Without PIF, too many apps will refuse to run on LineageOS. She doesn't need root for much else (maybe adblocking) and doesn't have the knowledge to make good decisions about whether to grant root permissions to an app that asks (Magisk doesn't have an allowlist-only mode, but it should). Finally, keeping root through an update is fussy. It's not hard, but it's an extra step that has to be done in the right order every week or two.

Unlike Firefox in 2024, a third-party Android build that's easy enough to install and isn't sabotaged by Safetynet would something many non-technical users care about: an extended useful life for their devices.

[–] Zak 3 points 2 months ago

Last time I used one was because I forgot my physical wallet and needed to pay for something. I don't want to tell Google about my shopping habits, but I like to have options in case of emergency.

I'm running LineageOS (with GMS), Magisk, and Play Integrity Fix.

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