Sadly that's the problem. Too many are ateast indifferent to the current status
And like Germany in ww2 no one will remember the we tried crowed. You will just be remembered as a facist country
Sadly that's the problem. Too many are ateast indifferent to the current status
And like Germany in ww2 no one will remember the we tried crowed. You will just be remembered as a facist country
While I appreciate everything your doing. The reality as I see it is your in the minority. Until that changes America is fucked and destined to bring us l down with you.
I get and agree "not America" should be able to stand without you. Your political body has spent my life time at least working against that.
I will admit that I'm exceeding frustrated with the situation i have less than fuck all control over while living within your dead range of 2 high priority nuke targets when w3 kicks off again because America felt the need to elect a retarded monkey as president while posting old man dream is the good old days
Edit. Honestly I'm half the age of these old cunt in charge and all I want to do is leave the world in a better place for my granddaughter than I found it. That the hell is wrong with these assholes and their supporters
1st off not an American
I have spent the last 8 years listening to how terrible trump is from Americans. When the actual fuck are you going to do something about it.
Either do shit about it or own the fact that America is a rouge state that the rest of the world can deal with appropriately. I'm equal parts bored of you and terrified of what you will allow to happen next
So what its fun dumb shit for a Friday night
Poured a glass of wine for the glory of the empire
I hate that this took me till i was a father to figure this out. And even then my kids were in there late teens to twenties beforehand it really sunk in.
How can I expect my kids to open up to me if I won't open up to them.
Cunt o a week was a cunt. On the bright side I got most of this week off as "special leave" still no clue how to react if I'm honest
Yeh flew from Edinburgh just over 2 hour flight
Blue lagoon
Northern lights
In a lava tube
Whale watching
Golden circle
Climbed the church tower
Most of the week sadly just now is the first i have felt normal still got the cough though
See here's the thing. No matter how you cut it drinking on a school night is always bad.
Always sounds like a good idea at the time but it aint
No much. This weekend typically get eaten up with chores related to my granddaughter.