I have spent the last 8 years listening to how terrible trump is from Americans. When the actual fuck are you going to do something about it.
Either do shit about it or own the fact that America is a rouge state that the rest of the world can deal with appropriately. I'm equal parts bored of you and terrified of what you will allow to happen next
I don't think this is true. People remember Sophie Scholl. People remember the French resistance. People remember the Warsaw ghetto uprising. And people remember Pétain, too, and what happened to Mussolini once "his" people got sick of it all.
1st off not an American
I have spent the last 8 years listening to how terrible trump is from Americans. When the actual fuck are you going to do something about it.
Either do shit about it or own the fact that America is a rouge state that the rest of the world can deal with appropriately. I'm equal parts bored of you and terrified of what you will allow to happen next
A couple people have tried. The problem is, the deck is stacked against us, and most Americans aren't yet feeling the squeeze.
Sadly that's the problem. Too many are ateast indifferent to the current status
And like Germany in ww2 no one will remember the we tried crowed. You will just be remembered as a facist country
I don't think this is true. People remember Sophie Scholl. People remember the French resistance. People remember the Warsaw ghetto uprising. And people remember Pétain, too, and what happened to Mussolini once "his" people got sick of it all.