Just an FYI, shipping means "the process of transporting packages and mail from one location to another" not literally transporting goods internationally on a ship.
Everything is a compromise. We could bring back paper in a larger scale, but then more land would have to be dedicated to working forests which are sustainable but aren't ecologically friendly. We could bring back glass in a larger scale, but that would make shipments much heavier thus increasing the emissions required to ship it.
Alcohol, dangerous? Oh no!
Approximately 5X10^12 bananas if that helps?
Apparently Zelensky and Putin aren't getting along right now.
Wrong. I don't know why Jay Hulme feels the need to lie but there is more than one gun store in Mexico.
A quick look at Wikipedia clearly shows that there are actually two gun stores.
It's true though, Google search does make it easy to discover a broad.
Actually, she invented the smallpox vaccine. It is from her surname, Curie, that we get the word "cure" today!
I didn't expect Trump Gaza to appear so LGBT friendly.