Thank you for putting the catbox moe mirrors back! Telegram vids don’t load for me for water reason.
Slava Ukraine!
Thank you for putting the catbox moe mirrors back! Telegram vids don’t load for me for water reason.
Slava Ukraine!
I think lofi hip hop is a pretty good call, the whole set of Samurai Champloo albums are gold!
I’m curious too, wonder if this includes recent storm shadow etc strikes or if Russia is pushing as hard as they can before winter properly sets in.
Either way; slava Ukraine!
How I’m getting by…although this post showed up unfortunately 😂
It sounds like you’re at a good point to join a campaign with actual people in all honesty.
It’s easier said than done, but there are newbie friendly groups out there who’ll more than happily help you fill in the gaps and I think you might find it more rewarding.
Thank you! Really clear and appreciate you taking the time to explain!
Can someone explain like I’m stupid on kernel level anti cheat and why I should watch out for it? Not a dig at all, a genuine question!
Totally agree!
It was a great performance, hopefully Williams can hold on to him!
How strange! I’m on voyager and it used to load imgur fine, but either way I appreciate the mirrors!