Looks like they're getting a bit nervy that this forced obsolescence might actually push some people away from windows
That's a reasonable stance to take when said company is just one competing in a marketplace. But when they are a monopoly operating a quasi-utility that should be public its not good enough.
If Germany wasnt a country that bent over backwards to please Israel and shelter it from critisism, maybe that could be the case. But instead it is the country that barred the rector of Glasgow university from entering Shengen as he (A British-Palestinian surgeon) was going to give a talk on the conditions he had witnessed in gaza and has repeatedly banned pro Palestein demonstrations and symbols.
I see no reason to assume its refusal to state that it would uphold an ICC warrant against Netanyahu (as more vocally pro Palestein countries such as Spain and Ireland have done) is anything other than not being willing to uphold it.
Right, I'm not trying to portray the UK as a beacon of goodness, but Germany has gone far beyond in suppressing any dissent towards Israel and noticeably has not said that they would respect an ICC warrant, just that they would "examine" it.
Huh? You think that the UK, which has affirmed that it will honour ICC warrants (i.e. arrest Netanyahu if he came to the UK), is somehow more pro-Israel than Germany?
Imagine not creating your own universe and going through nucleosysnthesis to create your own silicon. People these days have no sense of craft...
Things appear white because they are reflecting a lot of light in the visible wavelengths you can see, to which the atmosphere is unsurprisingly transparent. Things that are black on the other hand absorb the light, heat up and re-emit at their thermal temperature which in the terrestrial range of 0-100 degrees peaks in the far infrared which the atmosphere is not (as) transparent to.
The linked study is talking about a boundary effect between the cooler area of high albedo (because painting things white does reduce the energy absorbed and reflects a good chunk of that back into space) and the warmer area of normal albedo. Its modelling how that change between different temperature areas affects air circulation and cloud cover, not that the reflected light is warming up other areas.
Ok I'm done here if you're just going to start making shit up. No they did not announce that they would record peoples screenshots without their permission and start uploading them to their servers.
I think you are fundamentally misunderstanding what I am saying. I'm not saying they "wouldn't do this, they're not that bad" I'm saying "they wouldn't do this as it would get them little, they'd get caught and it would have bad blowback for them".
They're also not stealing peoples bank accounts or blackmailing people with personal information. Again, just because they are shitbags does not mean every bad thing you can come up with no evidence is true.
No I don't need to "pick a lane", just because Microsoft are awful does not mean any claim about them doing a bad thing is sensible no matter how far fetched. Microsoft do care about how windows is perceived by businesses (as opposed to you and I think about them, which they do not care about), and the risk of doing what you are alleging is very high for them (easy to detect) and would have severe negative consequences for them (oops, cant use windows in healthcare as its leaking PII). To add to this the only evidence you are presenting for it is "windows is slow".
Yeah, its sad that wikipedia becoming one of the biggest sites in the world turned it into a over monetised hellscape, but that's just what happens inevitably when you grow big, the capitalists get you.