
joined 2 years ago
[–] WillBalls 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Proton is certainly "cleaner" to use with Steam, but you don't have to use Steam to use proton. I'd recommend adding the executable to Steam as a non-Steam game for simplicity. Otherwise you can use Lutris or find a tutorial online to run that specific executable with proton outside of Steam

[–] WillBalls 4 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Both of those games are marked gold on protonDB, so you shouldn't have to use windows to run them if you want (although marvel rivals apparently needs SteamDeck=1 %command% in the launch options): https://www.protondb.com/app/3107230 https://www.protondb.com/app/2767030

[–] WillBalls 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

There's dozens of us!

I've had to do very little tweaking overall to get most games working, with the one notable exception being dragons dogma 2. The solution was proton GE and a new .nix file with GPU tweaks and now I'm getting slightly better performance than the average windows experience.

[–] WillBalls 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I've always been taught that the accent is explicitly not to be treated as playing the note louder or stronger as whole, but rather to emphasize the beginning of the note by quieting the end of the note, i.e. treat the > as a note specific decrescendo

[–] WillBalls 2 points 2 months ago

Judging from your tastes, I think you would enjoy dragons dogma 2. Be aware that the engine is rather... unoptimized, so there are performance slowdowns in towns and densely populated areas, but I've never dipped below 40fps on my rig which has slightly worse specs than yours. It can be a bit finicky to get working on Linux, depending on your distro. I'm on nixos and was experience graphics driver crashes pretty regularly until I swapped to amdvlk and swapping to the latest proton GE. Once you get the game working though, it's a lot of fun and definitely worth the hassle! I'd describe it as baldur's gate 3, but an action RPG instead of turn based, and therefore it feels much more free and open to me. You should also be aware that the game is pretty punishing. No save slots and rolling back is hard if you mess something up, and minor enemies can really ruin your day if you're not paying attention. It's probably one of the most "realistic" fantasy games I've ever played in that regard.

[–] WillBalls 7 points 3 months ago

And she did! The ents were explicitly made to protect the trees from the other races of middle earth

[–] WillBalls 3 points 3 months ago
[–] WillBalls 7 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Mary Magdalene was a different person from Mary the mother of Jesus

[–] WillBalls 15 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but it sounds like you're saying Celebrimbor forged the one ring, and Sauron poured his malice into it. That's incorrect: the one was Sauron's creation, which he made using the knowledge he gained from assisting in the forging of the seven and the nine.

[–] WillBalls 2 points 3 months ago

Of course not! Just because he didn't write it doesn't mean you can't imagine it. It just means there's no precedent for it, so you have to be creative

Morgoth did indeed have a body for the entirety of the war of wrath.

I believe that in Tolkien's writings, the only Ainur that lost their bodies were Sauron (during the fall of Númenor, then when the ring was destroyed), Saruman (killed by Grima), Gothmog (killed by drowning/stabbed in the fountain during the fall of Gondolin), Durin's Bane (killed by Gandalf the grey), and possibly an unnamed balrog (if indeed dead, then slain by Glorfindel during the fall of Gondolin). There's some mention in Melkor's Ring(?) that during Melkor's first chaining, his original body was slain, but I'm not sure if that's backed up by other writings about his first chaining. Regardless, it's a pretty small club of fëa separated Ainur, so I'd think that if there was a benefit to splitting from the hröa, it would be made clear

[–] WillBalls 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

To my knowledge, Tolkien never wrote about a battle between an unbodied fëa and a hröa

[–] WillBalls 5 points 3 months ago

The lore reason is essentially that defeating Sauron was mankind's coming-of-age story (the age of elves was ending, and mankind was set to take over control of middle earth), and having a bunch of maiar come in and wreck Sauron wouldn't teach men to stand up for what's right. Instead, Eru told Manwë to send the istari to guide men and elves to defeat Sauron on their own

The "real" reason is that it wouldn't be a very good story if Manwë just sniped Sauron from the hidden West with magic

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