That would be sooo good
Possibly. What's especially needed are better materials that can keep withstanding both a start/boost and atmospheric re-entry with little maintenance. Maybe with such super materials you can also build engines that are more effective and possibly transfom between modes, such as from turbojet to ramjet to rocket or hydrogen propulsions.
Seems like something quite a few decades off at least, and not super practical in general. The requirements for aircraft and space craft just go against each other, even moreso than with a plane and submarine.
There are dozens of apps and most have their own communities that are pretty active. Also, Combustible came out just recently.
I wouldn't be so stoked about it. Retail chains use alp kinds of dirty tactics to get products cheaper, this is probably one of them.
Can't say I didn't expect it since Max can get away with anything, but still facepalm. I'm guessing Alpha Tauri had to lobby that the impeding wasn't anything serious anyway.
Check out Like Stories of Old and Joseph Anderson, although the latter haven't posted anything in a long time...
Well that's just stupid.
I loved how the movies gradually changed from kiddy comedy to borderline horror. I'm more into the latter style so I'm okay with it but I can understand why it may be disappointing for those who fell in love with the former.
Look for local companies that buy used corporate laptops and refurbish them. Lots of barely used Lenovo, Dell etc. computers.
I like both the piped bot and the tldr bot for the same reason: I don't need to visit a horribly bloated, ads and scripts ridden web site, which most news sites are. So I take the bot as a really good service. Also consider that without it I'd say most will just read the title and may make conclusions based on that. I'd say that's a bigger advantage than the downsides you mention.
(Yes I use adblocks and stuff. Most news sites are still a drag to visit and difficult to read.)
Love these pics