
joined 2 years ago
[–] WhitePaintIsEvil 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

There is one temptation

[–] WhitePaintIsEvil 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That's really cool. What did you build him out of? Plasticard?

[–] WhitePaintIsEvil 1 points 1 year ago
[–] WhitePaintIsEvil 1 points 1 year ago

Thanks! No, just brushed on multiple coats of red over white.


In voyager, you can click on the photo button in the text/body and simultaneously upload and link photos in a post EXCEPT in the photos tab. Which only gives the main photo upload.

Is it possible to change that to act like the other tabs? I found a work around by just linking in the text tab first and then going to the photo tab but it's very counterintuitive.


Painted this titanicus warhound many months ago and finally got around to basing him lol.

[–] WhitePaintIsEvil 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Did you freehand fucking landscapes on to their pauldrons? Don't get me wrong, good job, but i mean goddamn.

[–] WhitePaintIsEvil 1 points 1 year ago

Thanks, takes a lot of patience for sure! You're right, it can be really relaxing to paint. I hope your son enjoys painting his minis too!

[–] WhitePaintIsEvil 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thanks! That's a lot of good points. I'll have to check out the video (and start practicing nmm).

Damn about the shading though. I actually did use nuln oil for black lining the crevices and things but i guess i'll have to use more if it's not showing up.

[–] WhitePaintIsEvil 1 points 1 year ago

I wasn't brave enough for non-metallic metals either to be honest. Blending is going to be fun...

At least i know what i have to practice next lol. Thanks for the advice!


Not quite brave enough for eyes yet. Any c&c appreciated!

[–] WhitePaintIsEvil 26 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That's so stalinesque it's fucking hilarious. Gonna get a sequel to "the death of stalin" at some point if we keep getting stories like this.

[–] WhitePaintIsEvil 9 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I feel like they were constrained by the numbers they could show and the relatively happy vibe of star wars. I got the impression that the empire was supposed to be getting swarmed by ewoks. Which would have looked better. Although you can't really get away from them being teddy bears i suppose.

[–] WhitePaintIsEvil 22 points 2 years ago (1 children)

It's not about demonizing the person sharing. It's about the feeling of being overwhelmed because there's so much shit you haven't seen and will never see. You will never have enough time to get through that list and that can feel bad.

[–] WhitePaintIsEvil 59 points 2 years ago

Pretty sure this case is dead. The copyright office did the same thing with the monkey selfies and the ai art piece from stephen thaler. That "void of ownership" is just public domain. Gonna be interesting what other kind of ai cases come up later though.

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