I know this is a joke, but for safety it bears mentioning: football is just a game and not worth hurting yourself over (even if you're Mac Jones)
They will say they don't believe in democracy. That we are a republic, which is a form of government where power is held by the people or their elected representatives. That said, by countermanding the decisions of the people and by gerrymandering to prevent effective representation they clearly don't believe in republics either.
Meteors and volcanoes have never had anything to do with it. Every so often horseshoe crabs rise up and cleanse the planet of filth.
It took me 2 hours of coding and an hour of wiring up a $10 raspberry pi zero with a $1.00 pair of sensors to reproduce their functionality with my own app. Fun little project and I didn't have to deal with their crappy application.
I like their cheese.
You idiot, that's not Star Trek. That is a very popular talent show with Ed McMahon from the 80's called 'Star Search'. I'd recognize that catwalk stage anywhere. Here is L. Skywalker's first performance: https://youtu.be/T98JbbpINm4?feature=shared
What lines? I just see four incomplete white triangles.
Idiots. They didn't even use a welding rod