
joined 1 year ago
[–] WhatAmLemmy 21 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

I am shocked, beyond all recognition, that the psychopath monarch who dismembered an anti-fascist journalist with bone saws could show such a lack of empathy for the Palestinian people. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

All of our "democracies" are ruled by sociopathic criminals who only worship the almighty dollar. The sooner everyone accepts that, the sooner we can oppose authoritarian dictatorships and genocidal ethnostates, instead of kissing their ass.

[–] WhatAmLemmy 32 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Reminder of why the winner of the 2000 election didn't become President

Because a criminally corrupt, partisan, captured supreme court stole the election! When you're the highest court in the land, they let you grab em by the justice...

I'm also willing to bet the SC will steal 2024 too and, despite the many threats and objections from Democrats, they and the population will ultimately roll over and accept the Christian fascist coup. Prove me wrong America! I double dare you!

[–] WhatAmLemmy 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Black holes don't swallow everything around them for the same reason that the sun hasn't swallowed all the planets.

I wasn't implying this. I was referring to how they would gradually increase in mass as they absorb particles that came close enough — the same way that all other matter accumulates.

Gravitational capture usually involves multiple objects, because the trajectory has to get nudged for a collision to happen.

What about the countless proton sized blackholes and matter dispersed between them? Wouldn't they all interact with each other? How come the visible matter accumulated but the black holes did not? Are they so small that they're all around us but too small to interact with non-primordial black holes?

A gaseous body collects mass at a faster rate than a black hole with the same mass

Because the gas/mass is distributed over a larger area? As in, gas has a larger gravitational "dragnet", relative to its mass?

[–] WhatAmLemmy 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Laws are meaningless if criminals are not held accountable. It doesn't matter that anyone who supports Israel supports fascism — 30% of US voters support fascism. The fact is that as long as the US (and 5 eyes) supports and arms Netanyahu, the genocide will continue; everything they declare to the contrary is nothing more than a virtue signal.

The ICJ and all opposition is meaningless unless they are willing to take collective economic and military action again Israel and its supporters. They will not.

[–] WhatAmLemmy 5 points 1 day ago

Only "truths" approved by ~~the ministry of~~ truth social!

[–] WhatAmLemmy 11 points 2 days ago

I can't believe you would stab me right in the profits!

[–] WhatAmLemmy 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (17 children)

What doesn't make sense is how haven't these primordial black holes accumulated to form massive objects that dominate the universe? The distribution of dark matter implies that it's widely dispersed throughout the universe, amongst all other matter, but wouldn't these primordial black holes have started to attract matter and grown in mass from 1 second after the Big Bang? Wouldn't the vast majority of these proton sized black holes no longer be proton sized? Wouldn't they have grown until they absorbed most visible matter in their vicinity? If this were true wouldn't it mean most of the dark voids between galaxies and stars are actually gravitationally dominated by black holes of varying sizes? How could our observations to date have missed that? Wouldn't pointing the JWST at any void show signs of infrared gravitational lensing? Oh god I've gone cross-eyed...


"Even if you take into account clustering, the time scales for the merger are so long that they would only merge into really massive black holes over the entire age of the universe," he continued.

If this were true, how have all the sub-atomic particles accumulated to form visible matter and galaxies? Do these black holes somehow have less mass than other particles? If so, how could they possibly make up most of the gravity in the universe — more gravity than all the visible matter — yet their gravity is so weak that they don't accumulate into larger clusters?

[–] WhatAmLemmy 39 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Well yeah, obviously. If you blamed the entire population for its governments actions then every human alive is guilty.

Fuck the US government, and everyone who supports their crimes.

[–] WhatAmLemmy 7 points 2 days ago (3 children)

"I will have you know I'm a self made man, just like my millionaire father and his millionaire father before him"


[–] WhatAmLemmy 138 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (23 children)

Fuck the USA, and every country too chicken shit to oppose a criminally corrupt sociopath committing war crimes to delay his own imminent corruption trial and imprisonment.

[–] WhatAmLemmy 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The mainstream medias job is to safeguard corporate America; not the population.

[–] WhatAmLemmy 4 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Just let them stoke the xenophobia some more, rape the poorest citizens, and I'm sure it'll all work out for me and mine.

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