Bills running game looking good right now. Love some ground and pound running.
I agree but some pushback closer to home would be nice.
It's likely to be taken away anyway. There is a vocal group in the US pushing for more isolation and less funding for those types of aid. The Trump admin will keep raising the vig if you capitulate now.
I've noticed a couple of videos on my YouTube feed by historians discussing this topic and a couple making the case for this being the begining of the end for the US. I guess it's just human nature and we can help ourselves.
For the case of your job or school you either use what is required or you need to find another job or school. That might not be popular but it's the reality. Other relationships don't have that kind of pull. Maybe RCS could fix some of it but given what happened with XMPP I'm doubtful.
As the only Android user in a social group of iPhone users I felt this way too much.
The only one that is difficult to replace is Facebook. It's still the best way to keep up with family and friends from all over. I also like Facebook Marketplace and haven't found a substitute that is as good.
I fear the long term damage to the US will be irreparable. I'm amazed at how many people don't see it.
- All / Scaled keeps it interesting.
- Probably so. People get desperate.
I usually enjoy his wacky adventures but I couldn't understand why he did this one. Concrete is a poor insulator so it was cold and dank. A rare miss.
Behind the Bastards did a great series on Lee. It's definitely worth a listen.
This game will come down to the last possession.