Oh thanks, I'll check it out.
I tried running the tgz a few months ago. It needed a shitload of deprecated python dependancies, I'm not well versed in python so after the 10th pip install I gave up.
Version 4 is unfortunately closed source and paid.
Yeah I've heard you can't go wrong with either option. I think I went for the Gene because it's much easier to find in Europe.
Lightning is not perfect but it's more yellow and fuchsia. Still looks amazing :D
Truth is, I went straight for the Gene. The Behmor is also a popular option in entry-level coffee roasters.
Most places seem to recommend to start with a cheap popcorn machine or a heat gun and a dog bowl as a low-cost way to get you feet wet.
They're loud as fuck. But they feel amazing. It's like a jolt every time you hit the contact point. Closest modern switches to the legendary buckling springs I've ever tried.
My "baseline" nowadays is:
- 180 for 3 minutes
- 235 to 245 until the beginning of first crack
- 220 until drop.
As a rule of thumb, I found that fruitier coffees benefit from a higher temp and therefore a quicker roast.
I drop anywhere from 30s to 1 min after the beginning of 1C.
You DO love coffee. You're just not as far down the rabbit hole as I am :D
The smell is heavenly and lingers for days ❤️
Compared to supermarket and most small scale roasters I've tried, orders of magnitude better. At least I can roast everything in my preferred light-to-medium range instead of finding that those "filter roast" beans are acrid charcoal. Nowadays I can even pull off a fruity acidic citrusy bean most of the time.
However I'm lucky to know a great, if slightly expensive and sometimes inconsistent, roaster a few towns over. So better... Maybe not. Cheaper, hell yes.
The Dark Side of Wine leads to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.
But mostly, https://github.com/Gictorbit/photoshopCClinux
Didn't keep it long tho, there were many issues and I didn't fully trust a cracked version of Photoshop on my main computer. It didn't survive reinstall when I upgraded my SSD.
Could you please share a recipe?