
joined 11 months ago
[–] VoilaChihuahua 5 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Ooh what about pretopia and it can go either way? Regardless I hear you.

[–] VoilaChihuahua 55 points 1 day ago (8 children)

YES THIS! I've been saying over and over since 2016 - I read almost exclusively dystopic sci-fi and many books have a point where the reader thinks "run this is getting too bad it is the time to go". I'm thinking specifically when June has no money in her bank account (yes it's a tinge too late even then). So I've been trying to figure out when that point in our story will be and last year decided it is id Trump is elected again. We are a lost country and evil has won at that point.

[–] VoilaChihuahua 11 points 2 weeks ago

Same! "Supports care" would have been an easier concept, though a little different from "opposes ban" I guess...

[–] VoilaChihuahua 1 points 4 weeks ago

I'd like it if anyone convicted of fraud / criminal deceit / murder could never be president, but as our nation's common sense appears to have withered and died, the intent would eventually be twisted to suit some nefarious purpose.

[–] VoilaChihuahua 10 points 1 month ago

When my angel of a tee totaling mother who would cry from the stress of working unpaid OT, making every family member custom holiday sweatshirts, or hosting other little girl's birthday parties at their lazy mother's request, died rather quickly from a brain tumor after her quack therapist ignored her months of aphasia. Selflessness guarantees nothing.

[–] VoilaChihuahua 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I hear you, but my foolish hope is that most people are either too decent or lazy to go around killing and stealing. I know every piece of post apocalyptic media swears otherwise...

[–] VoilaChihuahua 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

This is great! My husband has been suggesting gun sausage yoga where real men can be men, while also getting their stretches in...

[–] VoilaChihuahua 2 points 1 month ago

Those cringe attacks are so real! But very true, if we are so so mindful of our interactions we can't come off as bad as imagined...

[–] VoilaChihuahua 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

It was an abrasive statement, but as a vegetarian who still loves cheese and eggs, there is a lot of truth in it. Much US large-scale farming harms the animals, workers, and environment. The animal feed land could be used for crops. Eating primarily meat and little else is not nutritionally complete. Large swaths of the rainforest are cut down to raise beef cattle. End of the day you are unnecessarily killing an innocent creature because it tastes good. People don't want to hear these things, they want a bacon double double. They want waygu. That's the cognitive dissonance that makes people mad. Again, I eat eggs that aren't always ethically sourced and who knows about my delicious cheese, but I'm not getting up in arms trying to claim I'm still a great person when I'm wrist deep in queso.

[–] VoilaChihuahua 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Thank you for your kind words. Logically I know I am not awful as I have friends and try to act with kindness every day. But when you seem to be the common denominator it can be hard not to think you are the reason. I've read you aren't supposed to talk about yourself a lot, that it can be off putting. I try to use approachable body language, actively listen, remember when someone tells me things about themselves, but I am so in my head with social interactions I know I am coming off real weird, like I was raised in a cave. It'll be ok ; I can always get more dogs to hang out with.

[–] VoilaChihuahua 8 points 2 months ago (2 children)

So you're saying Israelis protesting the genocide won't be called antisemitic while non Israelis still may and those doing the name calling don't realize their hypocrisy? Just trying to understand.

[–] VoilaChihuahua 11 points 2 months ago (4 children)

I'm really struggling with this right now. I've joined to some new interest groups, but everyone including myself, seems so guarded, every time I leave feeling like I've failed a barrage of social aptitude tests. I feel like so many adults have baggage that by 40 they're spring loaded to overreact and overthink, they come across as unapproachable. Or maybe I'm awful, which is what keeps kicking around in my head.

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