
joined 1 year ago
[–] Vince 3 points 2 days ago

My manager only ever reads the first 2 lines of an email. Very annoying when there's a complex issue that needs more than 2 sentences to explain and he wants to know all the details. I swear he must've read it on a list of "x number of things that highly successful people do" and now he lives by it.

[–] Vince 8 points 5 days ago

If it's just a browser you can connect to chrome devtools via web socket and send commands

[–] Vince 23 points 1 month ago

I hate that form of "humor" the most.

Ha ha, I trolled you, I'm not that dumb

No, it is I who trolled you, I knew you were trolling the whole time


[–] Vince 2 points 1 month ago

I usually go to tools, and the option for results in the past year.

[–] Vince 30 points 1 month ago (2 children)

That horse is evil, I don't think there's any debate about that.

[–] Vince 8 points 1 month ago

Laptop ram hasn't changed in 25 years, the slots are bulky and not efficient. New laptops need ram closer to the CPU, so they are soldering them on the board, fast and efficient but not upgradable. New slot, more efficient, upgradable, better for consumers so hopefully laptops use this new standard.

[–] Vince 31 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I'm amazed it's that cheap. Really puts a different perspective on dollar amounts I read in headlines if look at them in terms of how many missions to titan it could have been.

[–] Vince 2 points 3 months ago

Isn't that Benjamin Franklin or did West Wing lie to me?

[–] Vince 5 points 3 months ago

Oh man, Id nearly forgotten about Cronos, need to reach it now. I only have a vague recollection about an old man and an immortal spider.

[–] Vince 14 points 3 months ago

Interesting, I had an almost opposite experience. I was good enough with memorization and applying formulas in high school to pass with As but I never really understood what I was doing.

Taking calc again in college and watching a video of Neil Degrass Tyson talk about Newton figuring out orbits are conical sections made everything click for me. Suddenly I remembered the 3D episode of the Simpsons and those coin spinny things at the mall and put it all together.

After that, I was much more interested in figuring out how the formulas worked and it made learning way easier.

[–] Vince 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Sounds like you're just copying a template to new files based on a csv? You don't have to edit anything inside the word files at all?

If that's the case, just load the csv file, I think the command is Read-Content, loop through each line, split by ',' parse whatever name data you need and copy your template.docx to your new file.docx

[–] Vince 8 points 3 months ago

The question I have is would they have been arrested, expelled or suspended if there was no AI stuff involved. If they had drawn, painted, 3D rendered, or physically cut and paste pictures would the punishment been as severe? At the very least I would think it's still harassment and bullying, I'm just trying to figure out if the punishments are getting harsher because the fakes are more realistic.

Or perhaps we're only hearing about the AI stuff


Is it possible to get back to where I was at after accidentally clicking on the community list on Android? I've accidentally clicked on it more that a couple of times and there doesn't seem to be a way to get back or close it.

I can click on the community that I was browsing from the list, but that causes a reload and I lose my place.


Bezel swapped with triple date speedy, pretty much perfect to me now.

submitted 11 months ago by Vince to c/baseball
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