The only thing that matters is the pictures of the fish (͡•_ ͡• )
Id be great if all religions had age limits
Do you want to fight and video tape it for the sub?
We all said the same thing about subscription streaming services 5-10 years ago and now look where we are. Nothing we can do unless the masses stop buying this bullshit
Absolutely fucking savage. I wish they’d just stay home you know? They should go battle Putin’s detail, thats a worthy reason to die at least
Its going to fuck him personally.
We need x-posts auto created from reddit
Why do these people want to continue in these leadership roles? It must be power and the attention seeking lifestyle., right? She is way too old. She would never be hired for a critical role outside of government. Move on and set age limits on our Country’s leadership roles.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
DeSantis is unfit for leadership for a plethora of reasons
Nice!! Blackfin?