A few I did not see in the thread yet,
- Repo Man (1984)
- Jungle Book (1967)
- The Harder They Come (1972)
- This is England (2006)
- Super Fly (1972)
A few I did not see in the thread yet,
Let them eat Mac.
"I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are the dead Indians, but I believe nine out of every 10 are, and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.” Not complicated, Roosevelt was an awful human.
Hey now there not all stars, exclamation, ok
Voodoo Donuts > Voodoo economics
I will finally get to snuggle with my girlfriend in Canada!
Fracking is the answer to, How can we poison our underground aquifer while continuing to put even more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere? I guess when we're dead we won't need energy. Checkmate fracktheists?
JD rigid airships couches
If Russia stopped the invasion there would be no need for using the weapons of war. Right now Russia is the one ensuring weapons of war are needed and used.
Since Elons not wrapped too tight, I would have let it slide.