Doesn't aluminum do this job better?
You might check around, see if anyone around him can vouch for him making major life changes.
It's really hard to know what to do. Both a changed dad who hopes to start new and an unchanged man who is just waiting for a chance to re-traumatize you would say similar things and be very friendly at first.
Lack of bike-friendly infrastructure, with several other factors causing and maintaining the lack of bike-friendly infrastructure.
Also burns if you forget the saline packet
I've seen so many of these, and none of them find a place in regular commuting. Maybe if cars stopped working, there would be a use/market for this kind of thing?
I'll do as long a sentence as I can easily remember. Something silly, a memorable movie quote, an explanation of what the profile/app is for, a reminder for why I use the profile/app, goal I have in the area of life I need to use the app for.
Since most password fields require special characters, I'll slap an exclamation point or question mark at the end to complete the sentence. Sometimes I'll think to use a sentence that already has a number and type the digit instead of spelling it out. Or I'll just use a 2 for too or to.
Not-real example based on a not-real goal
Yes. You can use it without understanding how it works behind the scenes. At some point, they'll run into a situation where it is helpful to learn some part of how the fediverse works and then they can ask about it, generating more content and interaction along the way
So much text in one message comes across as monologuing. It makes sense that someone would only be interested if it involves something they're very interested in or passionate about.
The same amount of information broken up across several messages usually comes off better and invites a conversation. Especially if you wait for a response before going on with your subject.
Edit, also be open to the conversation moving away from the subject you wanted to go on about. Constantly moving the conversation back to your topic so you can finish your thought doesn't work out well
Ah, so getting things out of the trash could be legal, but making a mess from a dumpster should have consequences
A car being used as a place to live becomes a need for the owner of said car.
Oh, well then this project fits perfectly. The whole point was to stop throwing out jeans and buying more just to send them through the shredder of outdoor work. Nice!
1,300 dollars for a plastic bike that is made of 50% recycled materials to qualify as eco friendly