
joined 2 years ago
[–] UnPassive 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Picked up dominion recently and am hoping to play regularly with family. I'm already tempted to look into buying an expansion or two...

[–] UnPassive 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Didn't read the article, but just wanted to say spirituality isn't tied down to religion. Good music, nature, cuddling with a pet, meditation, even reflecting on the past; all have given me feels akin to what I would have attributed to god/the holy ghost back in my religious days.

I don't know that I would try to argue they're necessary, but I do sometimes seek out some quiet alone time to just appreciate life

[–] UnPassive 3 points 2 years ago

I've been enjoying Dominion as well. Have had my eye on Clank for a while, I think I love deck builders. Never heard of Ark Nova, I'll have to look into it. Rotating through games might be a good idea, I have a friend who owns around 100 games, many he's never played, and I kind of want to avoid that collectors mindset...

[–] UnPassive 3 points 2 years ago

Lords of Waterdeep seems pretty fun and replay-able, I might have to pick it up! I have some family that I don't see all that often and I wanna find some games that become our go-to games when we're together. Super tired of Scrabble. Couldn't get my brother to try War of the Ring

[–] UnPassive 1 points 2 years ago

Bridgerton and Vampire Survivors

[–] UnPassive 1 points 2 years ago

Oh great! Thanks!!

[–] UnPassive 1 points 2 years ago

Seems nice, thanks!

[–] UnPassive 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Seems really nice - It doesn't seem to allow searching decks by color though? I was trying to find colorless PEDH decks and am having trouble (I know I didn't specify good deck searching as something I wanted)

[–] UnPassive 1 points 2 years ago

I added a cargo rack with pannier bags to my bike and it actually holds a ton of food. One time I did over-shop and had to use my backpack as well, but there's a pretty big margin for error. Wouldn't take it to costco, but I can get milk, cereal, and veggies no problem. I would consider a cargo bike if I had kids though

[–] UnPassive 1 points 2 years ago

Budget limits are fun, I super enjoy pauper commander. Tolarian Community College has a good video on it.

[–] UnPassive 1 points 2 years ago

Pauper Commander! The decks end up being a lot more balanced which is more fun to play IMO. Also, since they're so cheap, I end up building a lot more decks. It also feels more creative to me. Commanders don't have to be legendary creatures which opens up tons of options. My favorite deck so far is an Azra Oddsmaker self-discard deck

[–] UnPassive 1 points 2 years ago

The instance seems to be down? Been getting a 502 Bad Gateway error for the last day.

I made my original Lemmy account on social.fossware.space so I'm looking for some update on the instance. It no longer appears on join-lemmy

I'm hoping it's just down for maintenance or something and hasn't been permanently shut down. Haven't been able to find any discussion about what's going on anywhere else.

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