
joined 1 year ago
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by TwistedPear to c/sega

It's early in the year 1994, and the 32-bit era is just taking off with the PSX around the corner. Other cd-based systems are already on the market.

Hypothetically, you as a customer are ready to upgrade, but have a sizable library of carts. Boom, 32X.

On paper, the 32X is an entry point into the next era that is both modular and backward compatible. The base unit gets you started, but also owning a Sega CD can unlock the full potential of the Genesis ecosystem with Sega CD 32X titles, and of course retain Sega CD compatibility.

A modern work like the Doom 32X Resurrection romhack gives a glimpse into a scenario where Sega fully committed to this premise. The way it works is the Genesis processor becomes a delegator, handing off tasks to the other processors found in the 32X and CD (if present). By all accounts, this handoff works much smoother than one might think.

To be clear, I'm not suggesting going all-in on 32X hardware would have changed anything for the better. Obviously, obviously they should have just been patient and devoted that much more resources toward the Saturn instead of panicking.

I just get where their heads were at - right? It made sense. Sorta.


In honor of Toriyama.


Too bad the game tried to push people toward a multiplayer that nobody wanted or liked to unlock single player content.

Dope orchestral soundtrack, though. Turns out blaring brass sounds good when you know what you're doing.


This roguelite Metroidvania surprised me with how well the randomized mechanics blended with exploration, and this track gives plenty of atmosphere to the third biome.


The Frontiers ost, and esp. the cyberspace stages are amazing as-is, but yeah, I can get down with this.


Themes from Mega Man 1 - 3 are here, including a couple of Wily Castles.


A turn-based rpg about travel and discovery in a very shonen kind of way. Now that I think about it, Skies takes a page or two from Laputa: Castle in the Sky. Anyway, one of the early lands has some of the most memorable music.

The ost was released physically by Wayo Records here. If you care enough about the soundtrack as a whole, it's a beautiful recording and a neat cd collection to own, despite missing a few tracks here and there.

OC Remix also has a remix album here

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by TwistedPear to c/vgmusic

Prodeus might have been the first time in a while that I had a great time in an fps.

Spent Fuel is a downbeat industrial metal track that symbolizes the game's "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum" attitude.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by TwistedPear to c/vgmusic

The long, brooding original by Moraski is given a similarly dark and insidious treatment with heavy synths and punchy bass.

Check out the rest of his Portal 2 remixes here

[–] TwistedPear 2 points 4 months ago

Bit Brigade just performed live in Louisville, KY recently. They played a double-header of Ninja Gaiden and Double Dragon. Great show.

[–] TwistedPear 2 points 4 months ago

I do like me a good sawtooth wave.


Most seem to prefer "Vitality" from the same album, but I rather enjoy the darker, more intense rhythms here.

Helltaker is a slide puzzle akin to Slayaway Camp mixed with a waifu collector visual novel, and the ost has no business going this hard. I haven't played the game even once, but I've listened to this album for hours.

You can support Mittsies on Bandcamp but just be aware the artwork can be a bit....saucy.

I would be remiss to mention SayMaxwell did very popular remixes to most of the tracks as well, including this one.

[–] TwistedPear 2 points 4 months ago

Great game, and a cool ost

[–] TwistedPear 3 points 4 months ago

Gotta love that iconic 90s rap. It's still not as cheesey as it could be. Another fighting game that has a rap for no reason is "Gorge!" on the Primal Rage ost.

Cliché, I know, but I'm all about Esaka. Especially since they've redone it so many times.

[–] TwistedPear 1 points 4 months ago

Good stuff! I also enjoyed "Brutal Battle" and the MM5 Charge Man arrangement.

I'm excited for Industrial Annihilation coming soon, too. It sounds like it's going to be pretty different.

[–] TwistedPear 1 points 4 months ago

PvZ came out of nowhere and was such a great take on the genre.

Have you seen the guzheng live cover?

[–] TwistedPear 4 points 4 months ago

Redout 1's ost is great. Lots of good fun.

I'm partial to the Cairo tracks, myself (Sand Warriors, and Desert Druids).

[–] TwistedPear 26 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

Not to pile on, but print ads from the 90's are wild to look at. Sonic 3 launched at $70. You know, games that require a couple of hours to complete casually. Stuff got replayed a LOT.


[–] TwistedPear 6 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Definitely going to try this.

I have DNS adblocking / tracker blocking set up on an Android TV (spoiler: Amazon is very noisy, even if you don't watch anything on Prime Video), but it doesn't help against native launcher ads.

When the launcher first started showing ads, you could disable certain services, but it would break playback on other apps.

[–] TwistedPear 4 points 5 months ago (1 children)

To me that looks like RetroArch running Genesis Plus GX.

[–] TwistedPear 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Retro-bit, Retro Fighters, and Krikzz are a few more manufacturers I can think of making controllers with original ports.

In particular, Retro-bit's Saturn Pro pad is...interesting, let's say. I have also used Retro Fighters Striker Dreamcast pads - they're quite nice.

In yonder days, a few companies like ASCII and Hori come up a lot for reliable stuff.

[–] TwistedPear 1 points 5 months ago

In this instance, the CPU fans are pulling rather than pushing, and yeah it's because of memory clearance.

Surprisingly, temps of the parts aren't that bad. Under load the CPU tops out at about 70c, and the gpu only goes up to 65c while ray tracing and the whole bit.

Still, if money were no object, I'd like to have the Silverstone Sugo 17 shoebox style case when it becomes available.

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