The masses are largely disengaged with LGBT rights in general, but the declining rights of transgender people in the UK (and the US) shows this is not just a "terminally-online" kind of issue. She is not the only one responsible, of course, but her outspoken antagonism towards transgender people is influencing people.
It concerns me when people can't differentiate "this issue does not affect me" from "this issue does not exist". Even calling matters "terminally-online" in general is a bit questionable when whole ass presidents get elected by meme campaigns these days.
There's a steep learning curve as far as the basics go, but once you level up a frame, a couple decent weapons and some basic Mods (stat-up accessories), it might get you for good. I played if for years and it was pretty fun.
One of the big stumbling blocks is that level up by itself doesn't do anything but open up slots for Mods, it doesn't increase your stats. You need good mods and to rank them up to actually get stronger.