
joined 11 months ago
[–] TrickDacy 3 points 17 hours ago

Ironic how if something is your job to care about, that it often leads to the opposite reality. Sure, cops are especially shitty but I have a lot of lax coworkers. Feels very common

[–] TrickDacy 0 points 17 hours ago

Yep. It's amazing how Microsoft fanboys come into the Linux communities spreading their weird biased takes

[–] TrickDacy 0 points 18 hours ago (2 children)

Everything out there is heavily influenced by MS and/or apple, the majority of influence coming from MS. Feels pretty apparent in my experience that if you're shitting all over apple uis then you prefer the alternative. Apple's so easily criticized but like 90% of their design choices I think fall outside that and are vastly more intuitive than MS shit.

[–] TrickDacy 2 points 18 hours ago

I was talking more about heart attacks and car accidents haha

[–] TrickDacy 0 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) (4 children)

Not true but weird flex "pfft this guy only knows two desktop environments!"

Seems like you're not very familiar with the history of computer interfaces if you can write what you just did

[–] TrickDacy 8 points 22 hours ago (2 children)

You fear something that happened once, but the things that happen to hundreds of millions every year don't overpower that dramatically?

[–] TrickDacy 4 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

So you like windows style UI. Great, good for you.

[–] TrickDacy 1 points 23 hours ago

Yeah. It's mainly based on the fact that Ubuntu and Ubuntu based distros are wildly popular

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